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Accelerating Restoration

Accelerating Restoration

Across the country, forests, grasslands, and watersheds are impacted by a confluence of stressors, including catastrophic wildfire and outbreaks of insect and disease, that are exacerbated by a changing climate. Restoration of these vital landscapes is critical to maintaining and enhancing the functions needed from productive, resilient forests and grasslands to support thriving communities and economies.

From Accelerating Restoration To Creating and Maintaining Resilient Landscapes and Communities Across the Nation


Accelerating Restoration papers

Proposed Plan Issued for the Francis Marion National Forest (pdf, 474 kb)

Sitkoh River Restoration Project (pdf, 1 mb)

Grandfather Restoration Project (pdf, 341 kb)

Jackknife Watershed Restoration (pdf, 637 kb)

Mountain Pine Beetle Response Project (pdf, 870 kb)

Northeast Washington Mill Creek A to Z Stewardship Contract (pdf, 1.32 mb)

WoodWorks Wood Product Council (pdf, 379 kb)

Implementing Good Neighbor Authority (pdf, 635 kb)

Longleaf Pine Restoration (pdf, 789 kb)

Investments in Fuel Reduction Assist Firefighters on the San Juan Fire (pdf, 1 mb)

Watershed Best Management Practices (pdf, 899 kb)