Policy Report: Aug. 16, 2021
Welcome to the FS Policy Report! Our goal is to provide weekly updates on Agency policy actions, including directives and regulations.
Recently issued directives:
1. 7709.59 Chapter 60- Road Maintenance (08/10/2021)
Removes “bridge replacement” from the list of maintenance items. Removes an obsolete cross reference and updates a new cross reference. Also, adds exhibit 01 Cooperative Road Maintenance Agreement to the chapter.
2. 7709.59 Chapter 20 - Traffic Management (08/10/2021)
Updates the reference to FSM 7731.17 within the chapter.
3. 7730 - Transportation System Operation and Maintenance (08/10/2021)Corrects typographical errors and removes all obsolete cross references. Adds a new reference citation to FSH 7709.59, sec. 63.22. Adds a Cooperative Road Maintenance Agreement. Removes in its entirety paragraph 3 regarding 1992 Cooperative Road Maintenance Agreement. Sets forth direction to terminate existing Cooperative Road Maintenance Agreements, and replaces it with exhibit 01 in FSH 7709.59, sec. 63.22 in a new paragraph 3. Also, updates the direction in paragraph 4.
4. 5409.17Chapter 60 - Road Right-of-Way Construction and Use Agreements (08/10/2021)
Makes minor revisions and provides more clarity in definitions. Adds “non-system” to the description of Non-Cost Share Easements. Corrects the Cooperative Road Maintenance Agreement and makes cross reference adjustments. Inserts the term “reciprocal" to tie the Cooperative Road Maintenance Agreement to the Road Right-of-Way Construction and Use Agreement. Changes the name of “Northern Rocky Mountain Region” to the “Northern Region” in exhibit 02. Changes the name of “Wenatchee National Forest” to the “Okanogan - Wenatchee National Forest” and corrects typographical errors in exhibit 03.
Directives published for public comment:
No new directives were published for public comment from the period of 08/09/2021 to 08/15/2021.
Regulatory actions:
No new regulatory actions were published from the period of 08/09/2021 to 08/15/2021.
There are no new announcements regarding upcoming events, but please continue to check this report weekly as new updates may be included in the future.
If you have questions or recommendations for Policy Report content that would be valuable to you and your colleagues, please contact Miranda Galadima (Miranda.galadima@usda.gov).