Forests and fire in the Americas: IUFRO World Day event
WASHINGTON, D.C.—On Sept. 28, 2021, the Forest Service will co-host and participate in a science and policy forum focused on forests and wildfire as part of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations World Day event. Chief Randy Moore will serve as the moderator for the Forests and Wildfire in the Americas forum, which includes panelists from Chile, Brazil, Mexico, Canada and the United States. This forum is being co-led by Monica Lear of the Rocky Mountain Research Station and Erich Schaitza of Embrapa Florestas.
The session will focus on how climate change is effecting efforts to predict, prepare for and manage fire; how we help communities live with smoke and the impacts of fire; and how we can prevent, mitigate and anticipate the severe impacts of fire and the role of research in supporting these efforts.
IUFRO is hosting these forums inform decision-makers who shape policies related to climate change, the use of land and natural resources, and the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Each region of the world will host a focused science-policy forum during the IUFRO World Day, with Africa/Europe focused on bioeconomy and Asia/Oceanica focused on water.
These events are all free and open to the public. You can learn more and register for any of the events at
Link to PDF version of bulletin.