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Policy Report: Sept. 21, 2021

September 21, 2021

Banner: Forest Service Policy Report.

Welcome to the FS Policy Report! Our goal is to provide weekly updates on Agency policy actions, including directives and regulations.

Recently issued directives:

1.    FSM 2320 - Wilderness Management (09/13/2021)

Deletes multiple references to the Wilderness Management Handbook 2309.19 and refers guidance to the Boundary Management Handbook 5609.11 instead.

2.    FSM 2370 - Special Recreation Designations (09/13/2021)

Deletes obsolete references within the chapter. Deletes multiple references to the Wilderness Management Handbook 2309.19 and refers guidance to the Boundary Management Handbook 5609.11 instead.

3.    FSM 2630- Management of Wildlife & Fish Habitat (09/13/2021)

Deletes reference to the Wilderness Management Handbook 2309.19.

4.    FSH 7109.13a Chapter 10 - Map Standards (09/13/2021)

Deletes reference to the Wilderness Management Handbook 2309.19.

5.    FSM 3170 – Cooperation (09/17/2021)

Adds a policy cross-reference to FSH 1509.11 and FSH 6509.11 for the segregation of duties for cost share agreements implemented supplementally to cooperative fire protection agreements.  Revised to confirm the review and approval of State Cooperative Fire Protection Agreements (CFPAs) and State Operating Plans covers both new State CFPAs and State Operating Plans, as well as existing State CFPAs and State Operating Plans that are modified.   Revised the process and requirements for submission by the Region for a review by the Washington Office.  Lastly, revised chapter to confirm that Regions should proceed with obtaining signatures and execution of the State CFPA and State Operating Plan following approval by the Deputy Chief, S&PF. 

Directives published for public comment:
No new directives were published for public comment from the period of 09/12/2021 to 09/19/2021.

Regulatory actions:
No new regulatory actions were published from the period of 09/12/2021 to 09/19/2021.

There are no new announcements regarding upcoming events, but please continue to check this report weekly as new updates may be included in the future.

If you have questions or recommendations for Policy Report content that would be valuable to you and your colleagues, please contact Miranda Galadima (