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Forest Service Webinar: The Corp Network - Tuesday, Dec. 7

December 2, 2021


WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Public Lands Corps is a work and education program that allows individuals aged 16-30 and veterans up to 35 opportunities to work on the rehabilitation and restoration of public lands. Successful completion of a qualifying PLC project and at least 640 hours of work may qualify applicants for non-competitive hiring eligibility for Forest Service positions. This eligibility allows candidates to receive special consideration when they apply to Forest Service jobs, positioning PLC participants to be a critical part of our future workforce while promoting the rehabilitation and restoration of the over 170 national forests and grasslands under Forest Service supervision.

This Tuesday, Dec. 7, 2021 from 3:00 – 4:30pm ET, the Forest Service will co-host a webinar (register here) with The Corps Network about the purpose of the Public Lands Corps Authority, how to best utilize it, and the process through which qualified Youth or Conservation Corps programs and the Forest Service may enter into PLC agreements so that they may eventually qualify for the Authority.

Forest Service representatives and other speakers will be presenting on:

  • the benefits of the authority
  • the requirements for agreements
  • tracking and brief portal overview
  • education on hiring eligibility & opportunities
  • conferring the certificate process
  • using the certificate to access Forest Service jobs

This will be an information-rich webinar with the main goal being to inform Corps organizations and USDA Forest Service personnel about necessary steps and helpful tips for maximizing the success of Corps- Forest Service partnerships. Participants will learn how, by working with the Forest Service, young adults and veterans can acquire work skills and access career pathways leading to Federal jobs.

Please share this training opportunity with your partners, organizations, and other stakeholders who work with young people in the natural resources and workforce development arenas. Expanding the breadth and depth of our partnerships will allow the Forest Service to recruit and retain a talented and diverse workforce while continuing to uphold our mission of sustaining our country’s national resources for generations to come.