NEPA, forest planning for R&D in special sessions this month
COLORADO—Two 90-minute special sessions about the fundamentals of the National Environmental Policy Act and Forest Planning will be offered this month, Jan. 19 and Jan. 26. These sessions have been specifically tailored for Research and Development researchers and staff who may currently work or want to work with National Forest System collaborators more closely but haven’t had the opportunity to learn about these key agency processes.
These sessions have been organized by research station science delivery specialists and Ecosystem Management & Coordination staff with the goal of enhancing collaboration between the deputy areas. Nehalem Clark, Rocky Mountain Research Station’s lead for science delivery and co-organizer of these sessions, said, “As someone who used to work in planning on the NFS side of the agency, I see a lot of opportunities to more closely connect really applicable science being done in R&D into management planning. These networks would help the Forest Service more easily tap into the best available science as well as help researchers understand challenges managers are facing.”
In addition to providing an overview of NEPA and forest planning (think Cliff Notes version), these sessions will include case studies from the field by invited manager and scientist panelists, plus plenty of time for Q&A and discussion.
Topics covered will include:
- Why is forest planning or NEPA needed? Why does the agency engage in these activities?
- What is the process? Who is involved?
- How are external collaborators engaged?
- How are decisions made?
- What are some ways science is currently integrated into both processes? And what future opportunities exist?
- How might science further connect with forest planning and NEPA?
NEPA Fundamentals
Wednesday, Jan. 19, 2022
3:00-4:30 p.m. Eastern/12:00-1:30 p.m. Pacific
Connection Information:
Microsoft Teams meeting
For audio only—Phone: 970-812-0909 Conference ID: 563 365 03
Forest Planning Fundamentals
Wednesday, Jan. 26, 2022
3:00-4:30 p.m. Eastern/12:00-1:30 p.m. Pacific
Connection Information:
Microsoft Teams meeting
For audio only—Phone 970-812-0909 Conference ID: 195 753 345
Both sessions will be recorded and posted for later viewing. Preregistration is not required.
Questions can be directed to Nehalem Clark ( or Andrea Brandon (