District celebrates Arizona’s Archaeology and Heritage Awareness Month
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V Bar V Heritage site is the largest known petroglyph site in the Verde Valley, as well as being one of the best-preserved. It is a legacy of the Southern Sinagua, the prehistoric people who lived in the southwest. It is the perfect venue to celebrate the importance of archaeology.
Archaeology Discovery Days was a team effort between Forest Service volunteers, partners, employees and culturally affiliated tribes. The team was led by Terrilyn Green, heritage site work leader, and supported by dozens of dedicated and skilled volunteers.
The event included many demonstrations that celebrated Native American culture. Yavapai-Apache Nation members performed traditional dances and a Hopi Tribe youth group taught visitors about traditional farming methods and games. Visitors also learned about techniques for making bows and arrows, spinning and weaving cotton and flint knapping, or the art of making flaked or chipped stone tools. They were able to participate in hands-on activities as well, including making “pinch pots” and throwing darts using atlatls, or spear-throwers.
Archaeology and Heritage Awareness month showcases the state’s rich heritage and educates the public so they become better stewards of historic sites.