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Deputy Chief’s review of Pacific Northwest Research Station

May 18, 2017

The Washington Office Research Executive Team participated in the Deputy Chief’s Review of the Pacific Northwest Research Station May 2–4. These reviews provide consistent information to evaluate how well Forest Service Research and Development is running its corporate business and to determine opportunities for improving performance.

The station’s overall goals for the review included building relationships with the Washington Office and key partners, building its national reputation in key areas and showcasing PNW’s overall capacity. The review included presentations by the station’s leadership team, a panel discussion by partners and a world café exercise led by project managers that highlighted its research programs. Also in attendance were Regional Forester Jim Peña, Acting Regional Forester for Alaska Region Becky Nourse, Director of Fire & Aviation Management for both regions, state forester for Oregon, and representatives from the Willamette Partnership. The review included a field trip to the Wind River Experimental Forest, where PNW Station showcased their work and their current partnership with the National Forest System deputy area.

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