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USDA: The Big Three, part 8

February 25, 2022

USDA seal (new 2022)

Good afternoon,

Here is the next installment of the “Big Three” questions we are hearing from you. We are pleased to see the number of new cases and hospitalizations drop across the country and continue to monitor the course of the pandemic. As various states and localities relax restrictions going forward, USDA will continue to follow the guidance from the CDC on masking and booster vaccinations. We will continue to keep you updated in this ever-changing dynamic environment.

As always, please continue to check our FAQs and the USDA Workplace Safety Plan, which are updated frequently, and reach out to for any questions not already addressed.


The Future of Work Taskforce


1. Will USDA be tracking whether an employee has received a COVID-19 vaccine booster shot?

USDA is asking employees to voluntarily update their vaccine information in our Proof of Vaccination Survey because the proof of vaccination survey is the official repository of vaccine status information. You can update your booster shot information by clicking the original link at the bottom right of the survey and hitting get started. Safety protocols are different depending on whether an employee is up to date* with COVID-19 vaccines, including recommended booster shots. USDA will rely exclusively on the documentation provided in an employee’s proof of vaccination survey to determine which safety protocols an employee must follow. Please visit USDA COVID-19 Workplace Safety Plan and FAQs for more information on safety protocols.

*Up to date means a person has received all recommended COVID-19 vaccines, including any booster dose(s) when eligible. For more information on how to stay up to date with your vaccine visit the CDC website.

The voluntary collection of booster information is in accordance with the national injunction of the vaccine mandate pursuant to Executive Order 14043. Safety protocols based on vaccination status remain in effect. Because safety protocols vary depending on employees’ vaccine and booster status, USDA may collect this information, which is provided on a voluntary basis.

For any questions regarding the survey tool, please use this USDA Vaccine Certification Q&A link.

2. Is there still a requirement to wear my mask at the office?

Yes. Our priority is your safety. Although some states and localities are dropping mask mandates, USDA employees, onsite contractors, partners, volunteers, customers and visitors are required to wear a mask in federal buildings and in government-owned or leased vehicles regardless of their vaccination status. USDA will continue to follow the Safer Federal Workforce Taskforce masking instructions, which are based on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidance. As mentioned earlier, we will inform you of any developments or updates as we learn more.

3. Can I receive administrative leave to receive my COVID booster shot?

Yes. Supervisors may grant leave-eligible employees up to four hours of administrative leave to receive a COVID booster shot. If an employee needs to spend less time getting the booster shot, only the needed amount of administrative leave should be granted. Additional time may be granted for extenuating circumstances, such as the distance to the vaccination site. Employees may only receive administrative leave during their normal work hours and may not receive administrative leave or overtime work for time spent getting a booster shot outside their tour of duty. Administrative leave of up to two days is authorized if any employee has an adverse reaction to a COVID-19 booster dose (i.e., no more than two workdays for reactions associated with a single dose).

Read the seventh installment of the Big Three.