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Policy Report: Oct. 12, 2021

October 12, 2021

Banner: Forest Service Policy Report.

Welcome to the FS Policy Report! Our goal is to provide weekly updates on Agency policy actions, including directives and regulations.

Recently issued directives:

WO ID 2350 - Trail, River, and Similar Recreation Opportunities, Chapter 2358- Sawyer certifications (10/08/2021)

This interim directive (ID) extends sawyer qualification expiration dates until December 31, 2022.  This ID replaces direction currently contained in FSM 2350 section 2358.21, which provides that sawyer certifications expire 3 years after their effective date.  This ID will become effective October 08, 2021 and will expire December 31, 2022.  Sawyer certifications that have expired or will expire will be extended until December 31, 2022.  All reevaluation requirements for sawyers and sawyer evaluators are hereby waived during this timeframe.  The extension of sawyer certifications that have expired or will expire between October 1, 2019, and December 31, 2022, is necessary due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the resultant requirement for social distancing that has caused the cancelation of sawyer workshops, classroom and field training, and associated evaluations that are needed for sawyer recertification.  

Directives published for public comment:
No new directives were published for public comment from the period of 10/03/2021 to 10/10/2021.

Regulatory actions:
No new regulatory actions were published from the period of 10/03/2021 to 10/10/2021.

There are no new announcements regarding upcoming events, but please continue to check this report weekly as new updates may be included in the future.

If you have questions or recommendations for Policy Report content that would be valuable to you and your colleagues, please contact Miranda Galadima (