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USDA: Connecting and healing—Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Heritage Month

May 3, 2022

USDA seal (new 2022)

Dear USDA Employees,

We take this time each May to celebrate Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Heritage Month and reconfirm the importance of ensuring equity and opportunity for the Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders throughout the United States. 
Here at USDA, we have nearly 3,700 employees who identify as AA and NHPIs. Susan Nishi Stevens, administrative specialist at the Farm Service Agency, shared her family’s story with us last year. Susan is just one of many USDA employees whose family’s resilience and perseverance as Japanese immigrants overcame inherent bias and whose work makes USDA a stronger organization.
This year’s AANHPI Heritage Month national theme, “Building Legacy Together: Our Communities’ Journey of Strength and Resilience” pays tribute to generations of AA and NHPIs who paved the way for greater opportunity for their communities and strengthened the fabric of our nation.

On May 19, 2022, at 1:00-2:00 p.m. EDT, the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights is collaborating with Asian Pacific American Network in Agriculture to host a virtual event—Connecting and Healing: Asian Pacific American Cuisine—More Than Just Comfort Food. Please register ahead of time.

The event will highlight the healing qualities of AA and NHPI cuisine and focus on how all people are able to find connection through food. APANA is collecting traditional AA and NHPI family food recipes from USDA employees. Please share your favorite family food recipe through this survey form. Recipes with remarkable stories behind them will be featured throughout APANA’s social media accounts and newsletter. Others will be included in the 2022 AA and NHPI Family Recipes Book, which will be free and available to all. For questions, please contact, APANA Engagement Officer.

We look forward to celebrating with you.
Secretary Vilsack and Deputy Secretary Bronaugh

Additional Background
According to the 2017 Census of Agriculture, more than 25,300 producers identified as Asian Americans and almost 5,300 identified as Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders. These producers operate more than 18,000 farms. Almost 7% of Asian American producers have military experience, while over 13% of Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander producers have military experience. Through USDA programs, agencies and leaders are striving to ensure equitable delivery of technical assistance and investments and that basic barriers such as language are removed for underserved AA and NHPI communities.

For additional observances and resources, please read the White House Initiative on Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders. For USDA observances and resources, please visit the USDA-OASCR website. Also visit AgLearn for even more announcements and resources.