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International Conflict Resolution Day: Oct. 19

October 13, 2017

WASHINGTON, DC — Next Thursday, the Forest Service will observe International Conflict Resolution Day. This annual event was created in 2005 by the Association for Conflict Resolution and was intended to promote the concept of peaceful conflict resolution and increase awareness about various Alternative Dispute Resolution methods.

The agency will use this global event to increase employee awareness of services provided by its Conflict Management and Prevention Center. The center will host conflict management training, distribute ADR educational materials, and conduct fun and educational activities. It offers a variety of services including conflict coaching, facilitation, mediation and conflict management training. By helping employees to proactively address conflict early, it has lowered the number of mediation requests — in fiscal year 2017, there were 1,963 consultations or conflict coaching sessions compared with 178 mediation requests. Employees can find further information on the center’s internal SharePoint site.

Conflict Resolution Day 2017 will mark the launch of a new conflict management training module, Application of ADR Techniques. The interactive training will be conducted in collaboration with Forest Service Knowledge Sharing Conservation via LiveMeeting. Center managers will lead the service-wide training from 1:00 to 2:30 p.m. Eastern. The training will review the basic understanding of conflict, examine the importance of conflict management in the workplace and provide skills to help manage and resolve conflict in the workplace.