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On the Move: Dec. 3, 2021

December 3, 2021

On the Move

Craig Glazier accepted the position of director of Fire, Aviation and Air for Region 1. Glazier currently serves as deputy director of Fire and Aviation Management for the Intermountain Region.

Clark Hammond accepted the position of regional aviation officer for Fire and Aviation Management in Lakewood, Colorado. Hammond currently serves as regional aviation officer for the Rocky Mountain Regional Office.

Tracey Hanson accepted the position of Senior Program Manager for Human Resources Management in Washington, D.C. Hanson currently serves as deputy area budget coordinator in Business Operations.

Benjamin McGrane accepted the position of assistant director of incident procurement operations for procurement and property services in the Washington Office. McGrane currently serves as a procurement analyst for WO-AQM in the Incident Procurement Branch and a supervisory contract specialist for the R6 Fire & Aviation contract team.

Ann Niesen accepted the position of Deputy Forest Supervisor of the Malheur National Forest in John Day, Oregon. Niesen currently serves as the Laurentian district ranger on the Superior National Forest in the Eastern Region and Northeastern Region.

Lois Shoemaker accepted the position of special assistant to Regional Forester for Deputy Regional Forester, Operations in the Pacific Southwest Region. Shoemaker currently serves as the natural resources staff officer on the Shasta-Trinity National Forest in Redding, California.