Forest Plan Revision Web Hub
The Tongass National Forest is in the process of Land Management Plan Revision. A Land Management Plan, commonly known as a Forest Plan, is the comprehensive overarching document that guides the management of a National Forest for approximately 15 years. Learn more here!
Southeast Alaska Sustainability Strategy (SASS)
Engaging communities and sustaining economies. After consultation with Tribal Nations and Alaska Native corporations and engagement in a public process to explore investment ideas from Southeast Alaska communities, over 270 investment ideas collectively valued at $276 million were proposed. While not every idea or proposal can be included in the initial investment, the input, ideas, and conversations reflect the deep need for equitable economic stimulus in the region.
Tongass Young Growth Inventory StoryMap
Welcome to the Tongass Young Growth Inventory Portal. This site will provide stand-level information for decision makers and stakeholders in the Alaska region, in support of the Tongass National Forest's transition to primarily young-growth timber harvest.