Planning Rule FACA Committee
Committee Overview
The National Advisory Committee for Implementation of the National Forest System Land Management Planning Rule (Committee) is no longer active. The Committee ceased operation on February 3, 2018 when the charter expired.
This Committee was established in the public interest, to provide advice and recommendations on the implementation of the National Forest System Land Management Planning Rule (planning rule). The Committee was tasked with the following duties or other requests made by the Secretary of Agriculture or the Chief of the Forest Service:
- Offer recommendations on outreach efforts, public engagement, and stakeholder collaboration
- Offer recommendations on broad scale and multiparty monitoring and other ways to engage partnerships in land management plan revisions
- Offer recommendations on communication tools and strategies to help provide greater understanding of the land management planning process
- Offer recommendations on potential best management practices and problem solving resulting from early implementation of the 2012 Planning Rule
Read the:
2016 Planning Rule FACA Committee Charter
2014 Planning Rule FACA Committee Charter
2012 Planning Rule FACA Committee Charter
Committee Recommendations
On February 3, 2018 the Committee conveyed their final recommendations to Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Purdue and Forest Service Chief Tony Tooke.
To read the Letter to Secretary Purdue and Chief Tooke click HERE
To read the Committee’s Recommendations click HERE
A summary of previous Committee Recommendations made from 2012-2016 is available HERE
Meeting Information
All Committee Meetings were open to the public and have been archived below.
Previous Meetings