Forest & Grassland Health

Stand of trees with mortality from Armillaria rot diseaseThe USDA Forest Service Forest Health Protection (FHP) program has shared responsibility for monitoring and protecting the health of forest ecosystems in the Pacific Northwest. We provide technical and financial assistance to federal resource managers in Oregon and Washington regarding insects, diseases, and unwanted vegetation in forest ecosystems. Similar assistance is provided through state forestry staffs to state and private resource managers.

Forest Insects and Diseases

Douglas-fir tussock mothForest Health Protection surveys our forests to detect insect and disease outbreaks, provides assistance to land managers to manage pests and develops tools for detection and management. Find information about forest insects and diseases in the Pacific Northwest Region here.



  • Disease & Insect Field Guide

    A placeholder image

    Field guide to the common diseases and insect pests of Oregon and Washington conifers.

Forest Health Monitoring

Forest Health Monitoring is a national USDA-Forest Service program designed to determine the status, changes, and trends in indicators of forest conditions on an annual basis. The Forest Health Monitoring (FHM) program uses data from ground plots and surveys, aerial surveys, and other biotic and abiotic data sources.

The program develops analytical approaches to address forest health issues that affect the sustainability of forest ecosystems and produces a variety of useful reports.

Featured: Forest Health Monitoring Story Map.

Forest Health Aerial Detection Survey Data and Maps

ODF Aerial Survey AircraftThe Aerial Survey Program maps forest disturbances from insects and diseases annually in the Pacific Northwest, and is a cooperative effort between Forest Health Protection, Oregon Department of Forestry and Washington Department of Natural Resources. Data in geographic information system (GIS) shapefile format from these surveys are available from 1947 to the present and Aerial Detection Survey maps are available from 2003 to the present. Links to current year draft data and updates are also available.

Featured: 2023 Aerial Survey with results, photos and trends from the survey season.

Invasive Plants

Scotch broomThe purpose of the Forest Service's invasive plant management program iss to protect the health of our National Forest System. We do this by conducting invasive plant management on the National Forests and by assisting our State and private neighbors with invasive plant management on their property.

Find information about invasive plants and other types of invasive species in the Pacific Northwest Region's forests here.