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National Grasslands

A cloud shaped like an flying bird over the Fort Pierre National Grasslands, South Dakota
Ecosystem Services from National Grasslands

The health and well-being of human populations depend on the services provided by ecosystems and their components: the organisms, soil, water, and nutrients.


A windmill and water basin on the Pawnee National Grassland near Pawnee Buttes
Windmills on the National Grasslands

To some, a windmill may be seen as a machine, but for those that live on the open plains a windmill is seen as a life tool.


Picture of a lone tree standing in front of three clay buttes. Image by Josh Wilke
The Lone Tree Exhibit

Across the grassland a lone tree stands as a sentinel. For some it arouses curiosity: Why does that particular tree grow at that particular spot? Visit the Lone Tree exhibit for more images like this.

Welcome to Your National Grasslands!

These wind-swept seas of grass and wildflowers—four million acres in all—have witnessed the pageant of the frontier, the Dust Bowl, and the dramatic recovery into a great national treasure.

It's National Grasslands Week!  June 16 - 22, 2024

June 16 – 22, 2024, as National Grasslands Week (PDF, 50 KB)

  • Find a National Grassland

    A view across the Dakota prarie grasslands.

    Visit National Grassland websites

  • National Grassland Visitor's Center

    An outside view of the National Grasslands Visitor Center.

    The National Grasslands Visitor Center introduces and invites visitors to explore the 20 National Grasslands and Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie.

  • Wild Horse and Burro

    A group of wild horses.

    The Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act of 1971, as amended, directs the protection and management of wild horses and burros on public lands.

  • Rangeland Management

    A man sitting on a horse leading a group of pack animals.

    Rangelands in the United States are diverse lands. They are the wet grasslands of Florida to the desert shrub ecosystems of Wyoming. They include the high mountain meadows of Utah to the desert floor of California.