Teach & Learn
The Forest Service and Partners have tons of great resources!
- Investi-gator brings research to the elementary school, a journal for kids to learn the scientific method through real investigations about natural resources.
- Natural Inquirer Reader Series for Pre-K through 2nd grade students focuses on USDA Forest Service scientists and their research.
- NSI: Nature Science Investigator for non-formal education settings, introduces youth to different types of natural resource scientists, with activities for them to mimic the scientists in practice.
- Agents of Discovery is an interactive, mobile game available at many National Forests! Grab a mission and unlock hidden geo-triggered challenges.
- Smokey Bear – wildfire prevention and safety
- Natural Inquirer- Science Education Journals - science standardized, nature-based journals for students from pre-K through high school.
- FSNatureLIVE - Bringing Nature to You! – through online curricula and student-led video adventures outdoors on topics such as freshwater, climate change, caves, grasslands, bats, and pollinators. (English and Spanish).
- Woodsy Owl – how to care for the land
- Celebrating Wildflowers – for native wildflower and pollinator resources
- Forest Service Educator Toolbox –tools for teaching about climate change, water resources, wildland fire, and the Forest Service itself.
- National Agriculture in the Classroom has teacher and student centers containing a variety of learning tools and magazines.
- Project Learning Tree teacher training, curricula, and resources for educators and families and student-led certification of Green Schools
- Environmental Education at Home National Environmental Education Foundation resources for parents and children on a variety of K-12 topics.
- Project WILD
- Growing Up WILD for wildlife education for pre-K.
- Aquatic WILD for topics related to water-based animals.
- Flying WILD standards-based learning about the environment for middle-schoolers with birds as the focus.
- Project WET water education materials, training, and community water events.
- Teaching About the Magnificent Monarch: Resource Recommendations for Conservation Educators a comprehensive guide to leading monarch butterfly education resources, including connections between the curriculum and science standards, and the primary U.S. organizations working toward monarch conservation.
- Project EduBat interdisciplinary curriculum for K-12 where bats become the focus for making science come alive in the classroom.
- State Fish Art Project Lesson Plan learn about fish species, their habitats, and conservation needs through lesson, activities, and species identification for grades 4-12.
- Outdoor Skills Education Handbook - A guide for K-12 level outdoor skills building in schools by the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, (AFWA).
- The North American Conservation Education Strategy: A Tool Kit For Achieving Excellence - The strategy includes a portfolio of useful resources for educators and practitioners of outdoor and wildlife-based learning.
- K-12 Conservation Education Scope and Sequence: An Educator’s Guide to Sequential Learning About Fish and Wildlife A set of content standards and performance expectations in the areas of science, social science, and health and fitness in three grade bands, K-5, 6-8 and 9-12.
- Field Investigations: Using Outdoor Environments to Foster Student Learning of Scientific Practices Helps K-12 teachers to introduce and guide their students through the methodologies used for scientific field research.
- Fostering Outdoor Observation Skills helps educators to prepare primary school aged children to develop their outdoor observation skills through demonstration and practice, offering a complete repertoire of activities.
- Schoolyard Biodiversity Investigation Educator Guide uses school grounds as habitat for investigating biodiversity.
- AFWA Conservation Education Strategy Webinar Archives useful webinars on a variety of conservation education topics.
- Create a Schoolyard Habitat for Monarchs and Other Pollinators National Wildlife Federation guidelines for creating native wildflower habitat on school properties to welcome pollinators and provide safe opportunities for children to observe nature at work.