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Teach & Learn

The Forest Service and Partners have tons of great resources!

  • Investi-gator brings research to the elementary school, a journal for kids to learn the scientific method through real investigations about natural resources.
  • Natural Inquirer Reader Series for Pre-K through 2nd grade students focuses on USDA Forest Service scientists and their research.
  • NSI: Nature Science Investigator for non-formal education settings, introduces youth to different types of natural resource scientists, with activities for them to mimic the scientists in practice.
  • Agents of Discovery is an interactive, mobile game available at many National Forests! Grab a mission and unlock hidden geo-triggered challenges.
  • Smokey Bear – wildfire prevention and safety 
  • Natural Inquirer- Science Education Journals - science standardized, nature-based journals for students from pre-K through high school.
  • FSNatureLIVE - Bringing Nature to You! – through online curricula and student-led video adventures outdoors on topics such as freshwater, climate change, caves, grasslands, bats, and pollinators. (English and Spanish).
  • Woodsy Owl – how to care for the land
  • Celebrating Wildflowers – for native wildflower and pollinator resources
  • Forest Service Educator Toolbox –tools for teaching about climate change, water resources, wildland fire, and the Forest Service itself.
  • National Agriculture in the Classroom has teacher and student centers containing a variety of learning tools and magazines.
  • Project Learning Tree teacher training, curricula, and resources for educators and families and student-led certification of Green Schools
  • Environmental Education at Home National Environmental Education Foundation resources for parents and children on a variety of K-12 topics.
  • Project WILD
  • Growing Up WILD for wildlife education for pre-K.
  • Aquatic WILD for topics related to water-based animals.
  • Flying WILD standards-based learning about the environment for middle-schoolers with birds as the focus.
  • Project WET water education materials, training, and community water events.
  • Teaching About the Magnificent Monarch: Resource Recommendations for Conservation Educators a comprehensive guide to leading monarch butterfly education resources, including connections between the curriculum and science standards, and the primary U.S. organizations working toward monarch conservation.
  • Project EduBat interdisciplinary curriculum for K-12 where bats become the focus for making science come alive in the classroom.
  • State Fish Art Project Lesson Plan learn about fish species, their habitats, and conservation needs through lesson, activities, and species identification for grades 4-12.