Predictor Importance Values for sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua)

Predictor Name Importance Score Rank
Annual precipitation (mm)30.0621
Mean May-September precipitation (mm)35.736
Mean annual temperature (°C)26.0630
Mean May-September temperature (°C)20.6937
Mean temperature of coldest month (°C)32.1914
Mean temperature of warmest month (°C)16.2741
Annual aridity index28.7124
Minimum elevation26.0531
Maximum elevation24.7234
Average elevation26.6929
Median elevation25.932
Range of elevation30.0222
Elevation coefficient ofvariation37.322
Elevation standard deviation32.2412
Annual daylength coefficient of variation27.6428
Total available water capacity (cm, to 150 cm)31.0617
Total available water supply (cm, to 150 cm)37.33
Depth to water table (cm)37.24
Soil permeability rate (cm/hr)28.8723
Soil calcium carbonate (% by weight)20.2838
Soil cation-exchange capacity32.0515
Soil pH28.4425
Soil bulk density (g/cm3)41.981
Organic matter content (% by weight)33.897
Potential soil productivity30.3519
Soil erodibility factor, rock fragment free32.6211
Soil erosion by wind (tons/acre/year)28.1826
Percent soil passing sieve No. 10 (coarse)30.4418
Percent soil passing sieve No. 200 (fine)32.6610
Percent clay (< 0.002 mm size)33.28
Percent sand (< 0.002 mm size)31.4516
Percent silt (< 0.002 mm size)32.2113
Percent of texture clayey19.7539
Percent of texture loamy27.827
Percent of texture sandy21.0836
Percent of texture other25.2833
Alfisol (%)36.615
Aridisol (%)-0.1645
Entisol (%)16.8940
Histosol (%)13.4243
Inceptisol (%)33.19
Mollisol (%)24.2435
Spodosol (%)13.6242
Ultisol (%)30.1320
Vertisol (%)13.3744