Predictor Importance Values for sweetbay (Magnolia virginiana)

Predictor Name Importance Score Rank
Annual precipitation (mm)11.3235
Mean May-September precipitation (mm)15.9614
Mean annual temperature (°C)13.1527
Mean May-September temperature (°C)11.2336
Mean temperature of coldest month (°C)15.8615
Mean temperature of warmest month (°C)14.323
Annual aridity index18.46
Minimum elevation12.4631
Maximum elevation15.1818
Average elevation16.8310
Median elevation15.6716
Range of elevation20.653
Elevation coefficient ofvariation21.841
Elevation standard deviation17.069
Annual daylength coefficient of variation19.325
Total available water capacity (cm, to 150 cm)15.119
Total available water supply (cm, to 150 cm)17.817
Depth to water table (cm)10.738
Soil permeability rate (cm/hr)12.5130
Soil calcium carbonate (% by weight)12.232
Soil cation-exchange capacity14.9422
Soil pH20.82
Soil bulk density (g/cm3)14.9421
Organic matter content (% by weight)17.388
Potential soil productivity15.6117
Soil erodibility factor, rock fragment free12.8328
Soil erosion by wind (tons/acre/year)11.4334
Percent soil passing sieve No. 10 (coarse)14.9620
Percent soil passing sieve No. 200 (fine)16.0612
Percent clay (< 0.002 mm size)16.0113
Percent sand (< 0.002 mm size)19.414
Percent silt (< 0.002 mm size)10.9537
Percent of texture clayey8.1542
Percent of texture loamy9.1340
Percent of texture sandy11.6733
Percent of texture other9.2939
Alfisol (%)12.5229
Aridisol (%)-145
Entisol (%)2.4644
Histosol (%)14.1125
Inceptisol (%)16.4511
Mollisol (%)7.7443
Spodosol (%)14.0526
Ultisol (%)14.1624
Vertisol (%)8.241