Predictor Importance Values for balsam poplar (Populus balsamifera)

Predictor Name Importance Score Rank
Annual precipitation (mm)13.6918
Mean May-September precipitation (mm)13.4920
Mean annual temperature (°C)16.49
Mean May-September temperature (°C)1512
Mean temperature of coldest month (°C)17.325
Mean temperature of warmest month (°C)17.64
Annual aridity index15.111
Minimum elevation12.7826
Maximum elevation14.8713
Average elevation11.7529
Median elevation14.2416
Range of elevation6.7641
Elevation coefficient ofvariation7.6739
Elevation standard deviation7.8638
Annual daylength coefficient of variation18.182
Total available water capacity (cm, to 150 cm)11.232
Total available water supply (cm, to 150 cm)10.7733
Depth to water table (cm)10.4734
Soil permeability rate (cm/hr)14.6314
Soil calcium carbonate (% by weight)16.0610
Soil cation-exchange capacity8.5737
Soil pH18.521
Soil bulk density (g/cm3)12.1528
Organic matter content (% by weight)11.530
Potential soil productivity12.8825
Soil erodibility factor, rock fragment free13.1324
Soil erosion by wind (tons/acre/year)13.1923
Percent soil passing sieve No. 10 (coarse)13.4921
Percent soil passing sieve No. 200 (fine)16.946
Percent clay (< 0.002 mm size)16.777
Percent sand (< 0.002 mm size)16.758
Percent silt (< 0.002 mm size)18.163
Percent of texture clayey9.5836
Percent of texture loamy7.1940
Percent of texture sandy14.5915
Percent of texture other13.4822
Alfisol (%)14.0117
Aridisol (%)-145
Entisol (%)5.1842
Histosol (%)11.4731
Inceptisol (%)13.5319
Mollisol (%)12.427
Spodosol (%)10.0535
Ultisol (%)1.4844
Vertisol (%)5.1243