Travel Management - Rico West Dolores Roads and Trails Project

Proposal to adjust the road and trail system. Actions may include designating types of use, timing restrictions, and the addition, removal or realignment of some of the roads or trails. Proposal includes a Forest Plan Amendment. A 45-day comment period on the Draft EIS begins May 6th. For more information contact Debbie Kill at 970-882-6822 or

Location Summary

National Forest lands on either side of Hwy145 from north of Dolores, Colorado to Lizardhead pass. Includes Lone Cone, Fish Creek, Dunton Road, Bear Creek, Ryman Creek, and Lizardhead areas.

District: Mancos/Dolores Ranger District

Project Milestones

NOI in Federal Register06/05/2015
DEIS NOA in Federal Register07/07/2017
FEIS NOA in Federal Register11/14/2017
Objection Period Start11/14/2017
Implementation09/01/2018 (Estimated)

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