
The Sawtooth National Forest administers about 2.1 million acres of federal lands. Our top priority is to maintain and improve the health, diversity, and productivity of the public land entrusted to us for current and future generations.

Information about our current and upcoming projects can be found on this page. Additionally, the Forest Service publishes Schedule of Proposed Actions quarterly that lists proposed actions that will soon begin or are currently undergoing environmental analysis and documentation on forests across the country.

Sawtooth National Forest Current and Recent Projects

Developing Proposal

  • Smiley Creek Ford/Bridge Project

    The project would replace the current stream ford with a new, downstream bridge and road reroute over Smiley Creek due to the present stream crossing conditions that continue to reduce human access and stream function.

Under Analysis

  • Amendments to Land Management Plans Regarding Sage-grouse Conservation

    The Forest Service is considering amending its land management plans to address new and evolving issues arising since implementing sage-grouse plans in 2015. This project is in cooperation with the USDI Bureau of Land Management.

  • Basalt Road Realignment Project

    .75 mile of Basalt Road (FR 095) is immediately adjacent to Basalt Creek and subject to damage from seasonal flooding. This project will relocate the road outside of the riparian area, install culverts for drainage and decommission the prior route.

  • Camp Perkins Master Plan Implementation

    Proposal to implement Camp Perkins Master Plan developments including lodge expansion, additional cabins, bathroom expansions, permit area expansion, and associated utilities.

  • Fox Creek Bridge Replacement Project

    Trail maintenance of the first mile of the Fox Creek Trail #7149 and construction of a new bridge to cross the creek.

  • North Fleck Fuels and Vegetation Management Project

    Fuels reduction and vegetation management activities to decrease hazardous fuel loading and improve forest resiliency. Recreation management activities to improve trail accessibility and decrease resource damage from user created routes.

  • Raft River Habitat and Vegetation Improvement Project

    The proposed project would authorize hand, mechanical, and prescribed burn treatments across the Raft River Mountain Range aimed at improving vegetation conditions and wildlife habitat.

  • Shake Creek Mineral Exploration

    A four-year mineral exploration plan was submitted by the owner of the mineral rights. This project will review the plan of operations and determine terms and conditions for environmental protection.

  • Trout Creek Fence Realignment Project

    The FS proposes to authorize the realignment of 5.5 miles of fence to improve livestock distribution and watershed conditions.

Analysis Completed

  • Big Wood River Tributaries Aquatic Organism Passage Project

    Replace three existing culverts that are fish passage barriers: Placer Creek, Corral Creek and Wilson Creek. The project will provide access to 16 miles of high-quality spawning and rearing habitat for Redband trout and Wood River sculpin.

  • Black Pine Exploration Plan of Operations

    Pilot Gold (USA), a subsidiary of Liberty Gold, is proposing to amend their plan of operation to drill holes at 252 additional sites for the purposes of exploring for gold mineralization at the former Black Pine Mine.

  • Boulder Mountain Tour Cross-Country Ski Race 5-Year Permit

    Proposal to authorize Boulder Mountain Tour Ltd. to conduct a 34-Km cross-country ski race on National Forest System Land.

  • Prescribed Fire for Restoration and Hazardous Fuels Project

    The proposed project would authorize multiple prescribed burns across the Forest every year (from 10 to 10,000 acres each), as well as associated actions, to restore health and resiliency to vegetation communities on the Sawtooth National Forest.

On Hold

  • American/Global Communications Site Modification

    The Minidoka Ranger District is proposing to authorize American Tower to add an emergency back-up generator to an existing telecommunications facility.

  • Idaho Military Communications Site Modification

    The Minidoka Ranger District Proposes to authorize Idaho Military to demolish and remove existing comm site building and construct a new building.


  • Boulder Mountain Tour Special Use Permit Issuance

    Proposal to issue a 5-year Recreation Event special use permit re-authorizing the annual Boulder Mountain Tour Ski Race for a new term with no changes to the existing permit.

  • BSM Barite Exploration Project

    Exploration for mineralization by constructing 16 drill pads and drilling 22 core and reverse circulation holes on their claims on National Forest during the exploration period. Reconstruction of a collapsed adit.

  • Champion Fish Screens (2) Special Use Permit

    Proposal to issue a 20 year special use permit for continued use of two fish screens with access across National Forest System lands on a total of 0.50 acres.

  • Commercial Film Permit Issuance

    Proposal to issue a 5-year special use permit re-authorizing commercial video and still photography on the Sawtooth National Recreation Area and Ketchum Ranger District for a new term with no changes to the existing permit.

  • Eves Gulch - Fox Peak Connector Trail

    This project would connect the top of Eve Gulch Tr. 146 to the Osberg Ridgeline Tr. 147 just east of Fox Peak. The proposed singletrack trail would be open to mountain bikes, equestrians and foot traffic only. Closed to all motorized use.

  • Idaho Rocky Mountain Ranch Road and Trail Access Special Use Permit

    This project is being canceled due to workload capacity. Analyze a special use permit for both road and trail access to the ranch.

  • Magic Mountain Boundary Change

    This project involves changing the boundary to include previously used areas that are outside of the official map boundary of the ski area, the boundary change is approximately 3.5 acres.

  • Mays Creek Private Road Authorization

    The FS proposes to issue a special use permit to the landowner's association to construct and maintain an access rd. with gate to their private land on NFS lands and close approximately 650 ft. of unauthorized route in lynx habitat as funding allows.

  • North Fleck Trails Project

    Recreation management activities to designate and create motorized trails, improve trail accessibility, and decrease resource damage from user created routes

  • Outfitting and Guiding Special Use Permit for Predator Hunting

    Issue a special use permit to outfit and guide bear and cougar hunting, bear and cougar photography and dog training.

  • Recreation Residence Improvement Project Thompson Flat Tract #5

    No decision will be issued for this project; therefore, the project will be removed from the SOPA.

  • Robber Gulch Exploration

    Ridgeline Exploration Services Inc. is submitting a Plan of Operations to conduct minerals exploration drilling activities for a period of up to one year after disturbance is initiated, resulting in up to 1.3 acres of surface disturbance.

  • Shake Creek Mineral Exploration

    Plan of operations for one season (July to November 2018) of hand and bulk sampling of mineralized material from an existing underground adit on an unpatented mining claim. Previous sampling occurred at the site in 2012.

  • Soldier Creek Recreation Improvements

    Trailhead improvements (parking area, toilet, etc.) at Free Gold and North/South Forks Soldier Creek Trailheads. Expansion of the Couch Summit Snowmobile Parking area, new trail connecting it with Soldier Creek trailhead, and construct a warming hut.

  • Stanley Basin WUI Fuels Reduction Project

    Maintenance of treatments and expansion of fuel breaks in the Stanley Basin.

  • Stanley Basin, Alpine Way, & Goat Creek Allotments Analysis

    This project is canceled and will no longer appear on the SOPA.

Project Archive

Some of our older projects can be accessed in our Project Archive.