Sequoia National Forest Projects
View information about the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), Schedule of Proposed Action (SOPA) and a current list of Sequoia National Forest projects.
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Sequoia National Forest Current and Recent Projects
Developing Proposal
Jackass Creek AOP Restoration
Culvert removal and stream channel restoration in the crossing. Old culvert would be replaced by a bridge or bottomless-arch culvert. APE is approximately 0.25 to 0.35 acres. All disturbance would be confined to existing roadway.
Jackass Meadow Restoration Project
Need to improve Jackass Meadow hydrologic function by stabilizing and elevating the meadow grade and prevent further degradation. Will install Beaver Dam Analog (BDA) structures.
Piute Mountains Travel Management Plan
This project will complete the Forest-wide travel management plan, satisfying Subpart B of the agency-wide 2005 Travel Rule and 2009 Travel Management Directives. It will balance motor vehicle access with sustainable resource management.
Under Analysis
French Fire Restoration
Abate hazard trees, reduce fuels and reforest high burn severity areas in 2021 French Fire focused on road / trails, Alta Sierra Ski Area and Alta Sierra community safety.
Sequoia and Sierra National Forests Prescribed Fire Project
Implement a range of prescribed fire techniques across the landscape.
Shirley Peak Communications Tower SUP, US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
Upgrading existing microwave system at Shirley Peak to an 8 GHz band, replacing existing Forest Service building, replacng existing towers, and building new building and towers.
Sugarloaf Fuels Reduction Project
The Project proposes treatment of approximately 1000 acres on Sequoia National Forest land within the Giant Sequoia National Monument. Fuels reduction treatments include locations that allow for roadside hazard tree removal and private land buffer.
Analysis Completed
Castle Fire Ecological Restoration Project
To restore and promote a healthy forest ecosystem; to establish forest conditions, to promote resilient forest conditions and to establish and maintain low surface and ladder fuel conditions
Hume Basin Restoration
Treat up to 6,700 acres through thinning, sanitation, mastication and prescribed burn to improve forest health and wildlife habitat, and reduce fuels in Tenmile Creek drainage.
Windy Fire Restoration
The project will promote forest resilience and ecological integrity by reducing fuel loads, reforestation, wildlife habitat improvement and hydrologic improvement activities.
On Hold
The Rock
Increases red fir resilience and forest health, reduces fuel loading, improves habitat for sensitive and endangered species, improves watershed function and water availability for meadows, and reduces spread of fungus and other diseases
Project Archive
Some of our older projects can be accessed in our Project Archive.