Schedule of Proposed Actions
The Schedule of Proposed Actions details all projects on the Tonto that are scheduled for environmental analysis and decisions. The purpose of this schedule is to provide information regarding the nature and location of proposed projects and their status in the analysis process.
Review the Schedule of Proposed Actions for the Tonto National Forest and all other national forests and grasslands.
Please visit the Projects and Plans page for the Southwest Region.
Forest Service line officers issue many resource management decisions each year, some of which are accompanied by National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documents (i.e. Environmental Impact Statements, Environmental Assessments, and Categorical Exclusions). Only decisions based on an Environmental Impact Statement or an Environmental Assessment are subject to an opportunity for administrative review of individuals’ or entities’ unresolved issues. Reviews conducted prior to a final decision are called an objection and are open to those that made specific written comments in a timely manner on a project. Only these with use permits (i.e. ranger permittees and mining plans) are able to appeal after a decision is signed and they may only appeal the conditions of their permit. The public's rights and responsibilities to file an objection are defined in specific predecisional administrative review regulations.
Land and Resource Management Plans
Certain decisions related to the development, amendment, or revision of Land and Resource Management Plans (LRMPs) are subject to the same objection and appeal procedures as outlined above.
How does Administrative Review Work?
The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requires all federal agencies, including the Forest Service, to evaluate the effects that any federal action may have on the human environment. NEPA provides for three different levels of environmental analysis which will be documented in different ways. Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) are prepared for projects which will or may have a significant effect on the human environment. This is the most stringent level of NEPA analysis and usually applies to large scale Forestwide projects. Environmental Assessments (EA) are more common and prepared for projects not expected to significantly affect the human environment.
NEPA also provides for specified comment periods, or opportunities for the public to submit specific written comments about the proposed project which must be considered by the agency before making a decision. When the Forest Service proposes to make a decision as a result of either an EIS or an EA, that decision is subject to a pre-decisional administrative review called an objection process as described in 36 CFR 218. The purpose of the objection process is to address any unresolved concerns that the public does not feel were adequately addressed in the EIS or EA.
The third level of NEPA analysis is called a categorical exclusion (CE). These are categories of actions that the agency has established that do not typically have a significant effect on the human environment and that the agency is not required to document in an EIS or EA. While the public is still given opportunity to provide input on many of these types of projects, any decisions made by the agency for categorically excluded actions are not subject to the objection process.
Individuals or organizations that have submitted specific written comments for the project being considered may file written objections after an environmental analysis document is completed and before a final decision document can be signed. Those concerns raised in objections are then considered and responded to by a Forest Service official (Reviewing Official) at the agency’s organizational level above that of the individual who will sign the proposed decision (Deciding Official). The Reviewing Official will work directly with the entity who is objecting and the Deciding Official to resolve outstanding issues.
How do Appeals Work?
Some Forest Service decisions are subject to a post decisional review process called an appeal. The Forest Service can authorize certain uses of forest land by issuing a permit which is the instrument used to define the terms of that particular authorization. Permits may be issued for uses such as livestock grazing, mineral operations, or other special uses. These permits are subject to appeal as described in 36 CFR 214. However, only the permittee may appeal these types of decisions.
For info on the Freedom of Information Act, please visit our FOIA page.
Red Bluff Uranium Mine Site EE/CA
Tonto National Forest officials are requesting public comment on the draft report of the Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis (EE/CA) for the Red Bluff Uranium Mine Site, located on the boundary between the Pleasant Valley and Tonto Basin Ranger Districts, Arizona. All public comments are due by close of business, Thursday, August 16, 2018. The purpose of the EE/CA report is to present a detailed analysis of remediation (cleanup) alternatives that can be used for decision-making. In addition, the analysis presented in this EE/CA includes discussion of background information, waste characteristics, applicable or relevant and appropriate requirements (ARAR), a risk assessment, and the development and screening of cleanup alternatives.
Copies of the EE/CA and Administrative Record are available at the Tonto National Forest Supervisor's Office (2324 E. McDowell Road, Phoenix, AZ) and the Payson Ranger District Office (1009 Highway 260, Payson, AZ), or can be reviewed online.
Comments may be submitted mail or be hand delivered (weekdays, 8 am – 4:30 pm):
Red Bluff Uranium Mine On-Scene Coordinator
Anne Fischer, P.E.
Tonto National Forest
2324 E. McDowell Rd.
Phoenix, AZ 85006
Or submit by email.
Alerts & Warnings
- 03-12-03-24-47_Boulder Fishing Pier Temporary Closure
- 03-12-00-24-43 West Fire Emergency Closure
- 03-12-02-24-44 Wood Fire Closure Order
- 03-12-03-24-41 Sand Stone Post Fire Recovery Public Safety Closure
- Equestrian Users Please Be Aware
- 03-12-06-24-27 Tonto Creek Crossing Road Closures
- 03-12-01-22-26 Rattlesnake Cove Recreation Fishing Dock Closure
- 03-12-00-23-36 Target Type Restrictions Order
- Amended - Apache Lake Closure - Lower Burnt Corral Campground remains closed
- Bald Eagle Seasonal Closures
- Occupancy and Use Restrictions
- Update on State Route 88 (Apache Trail) - August 18, 2021
- Redmond Fire Road Closure