1. Data and code for analyzing unequal access to social, environmental, and health amenities in United States urban parks
- Author(s):
- Winkler, Richelle L.; Clark, Jeffrey A.G.; Locke, Dexter H.; Kremer, Peleg; Aronson, Myla F.J.; Hoover, Fushcia-Ann; Joo, Hogyeum Evan; La Rosa, Daniele; Lee, KangJae Jerry; Lerman, Susannah B.; Pearsall, Hamil; Vargo, Timothy L.V.; Nilon, Charles H.; Lepczyk, Christopher A.
2. USDA Forest Service Air Resource Management Program: Surface water monitoring data
- Author(s):
- USDA Forest Service
3. Water yield projections due to climate variability and change in the United States for current and mid-century periods: A 2020 RPA Assessment
- Author(s):
- Warziniack, Travis W.; Arabi, Mazdak; Froemke, Pamela M.; Ghosh, Rohini; Heidari, Hadi; Rasmussen, Shaundra M.; Swarzentruber, Ryan
4. Percent tree and impervious cover for 2020 and projected in 2070 for three RPA scenarios (average, maximum and minimum) for the 2020 RPA Assessment
- Author(s):
- Greenfield, Eric J.; Nowak, David J.
5. County-level land cover patterns for the conterminous United States for the 2020 RPA Assessment
- Author(s):
- Riitters, Kurt H.
6. County-level land-use projections for the conterminous United States, 2020-2070, used in the 2020 RPA Assessment
- Author(s):
- Mihiar, Christopher M.; Lewis, David J.; Coulston, John W.
7. Greenhouse gas emissions and removals from forest land, woodlands, and urban trees in the United States, 1990-2021: Estimates and quantitative uncertainty for individual states, regional ownership groups, and National Forest System regions
- Author(s):
- Walters, Brian F.; Domke, Grant M.; Greenfield, Eric J.; Smith, James E.; Ogle, Stephen M.
8. Public Water Systems and populations receiving surface drinking water supply from National Forest System lands (2nd Edition)
- Author(s):
- Liu, Ning; Dobbs, G. Rebecca; Caldwell, Peter V.; Miniat, Chelcy Ford; Sun, Ge; Duan, Kai; Nelson, Stacy A. C.; Bolstad, Paul V.; Carlson, Christopher P.
9. Conterminous United States urban forest threats to 2060
- Author(s):
- Nowak, David J.; Greenfield, Eric J.; Ellis, Alexis
10. Greenhouse gas emissions and removals from forest land, woodlands, and urban trees in the United States, 1990-2020: Estimates and quantitative uncertainty for individual states, regional ownership groups, and National Forest System regions
- Author(s):
- Walters, Brian F.; Domke, Grant M.; Greenfield, Eric J.; Smith, James E.; Nowak, David J.; Ogle, Stephen M.