1. Biophysical and weather conditions associated with fuel breaks leveraged during the suppression of large widlfires in southern California National Forests
- Author(s):
- Young, Jesse D.; Gannon, Benjamin M.; Wei, Yu; Belval, Erin J.; Thompson, Matthew P.; O'Connor, Christopher D.; Calkin, David E.; Dunn, Christopher J.
2. August 1986 Annaburro Station prescribed fires F19 and C064: Fire Dynamics Simulator evaluation data
- Author(s):
- Mell, William E.; Gould, Jim S.; Cheney, N. Phillip
3. Engineering drawings for equipment, maps, and 1919-1925 reports of cultural practices at the Wind River Nursery in southwest Washington
- Author(s):
- Harrington, Constance A.
4. Maps of natural tree regeneration recorded in 1913-1914, after Yacolt and related burns in southwest Washington
- Author(s):
- Harrington, Constance A.
5. Aerial transect photographs of U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Army Fort Wainwright Training Lands, Alaska in 2019
- Author(s):
- Marcot, Bruce G.; Jorgenson, M. Torre; Douglas, Thomas A.; Nelsen, Patricia
6. Plot-level ladder fuel estimation from a suite of remote sensing and field methods
- Author(s):
- Forbes, Brieanne K.; Reilly, Sean P.; Clark, Matthew L.; Ferrell, Ryan M.; Kelly, Allison C.; Krause, Paris D.; Matley, Corbin D.; O’Neil, Michael W.; Villasenor, Michelle T.; Disney, Mathias I.; Wilkes, Phil; Bentley, Lisa P.
7. Dataset of gold-mining related deforestation and formalization in Madre de Dios, Perú from 2001 to 2014
- Author(s):
- Álvarez-Berríos, Nora L.; L’Roe, Jessica
8. Key data inputs and modeling outputs for "Opportunities for forest sector emissions reductions: A state-level analysis"
- Author(s):
- Dugan, Alexa J.; Lichstein, Jeremy W.; Steele, Al; Metsaranta, Juha M.; Bick, Steven; Hollinger, David Y.
9. Field attributes and satellite data for "How vegetation recovery and fuel conditions in past fires influences fuels and future fire management in five western U.S. ecosystems" (1st Edition)
- Author(s):
- Bright, Benjamin C.; Hudak, Andrew T.; Strand, Eva K.; Newingham, Beth A.; Smith, April G.; Hammond, Darcy H.; Dodge, Jessie M.; Bontrager, Jonathan
10. Field attributes and satellite data for "How vegetation recovery and fuel conditions in past fires influences fuels and future fire management in five western U.S. ecosystems" (2nd Edition)
- Author(s):
- Bright, Benjamin C.; Hudak, Andrew T.; Strand, Eva K.; Newingham, Beth A.; Smith, April G.; Hammond, Darcy H.; Dodge, Jessie M.; Bontrager, Jonathan