1. Data product containing 16-year tree heights, survival, and genetic variation for "Genetic Variation in Blue Spruce: A Test of Populations in Nebraska"
- Author(s):
- Van Haverbeke, David F.
2. Data product containing 20-year tree heights, diameters, and genetic variation for "Scots pine in eastern Nebraska: A provenance study"
- Author(s):
- Read, Ralph A.
3. Effects of fuels reduction treatments on the soil temperature, heat-flux, water content, and CO2 at Manitou Experimental Forest
- Author(s):
- Frank, John M.; Massman, William J.
4. Data product containing litterfall, decomposition, and leaf area index data for "Surface Fuel Litterfall and Decomposition in the Northern Rocky Mountains, USA"
- Author(s):
- Keane, Robert; Gray, Kathy
5. Fort Valley Experimental Forest 30-minute meteorological data: 2003-present
- Author(s):
- Huebner, Dan P.
6. Tenderfoot Creek Experimental Forest stream sediment collection: 1994-2009
- Author(s):
- McCaughey, Ward W.; Glasgow, Lance S.; Wright, David K.
7. Data product containing nest success and factors affecting nest survival for "Nest success of Black-backed Woodpeckers in forests with mountain pine beetle outbreaks in the Black Hills, South Dakota"
- Author(s):
- Bonnot, Thomas W.; Rumble, Mark A.; Millspaugh, Joshua J.
8. Field attributes and satellite indices for "The relationship of multispectral satellite imagery to immediate fire effects"
- Author(s):
- Hudak, Andrew T.
9. Detections of breeding birds in the Shoshone, Toiyabe, Toquima, and Monitor ranges, Nevada (3rd Edition)
- Author(s):
- Fleishman, Erica
10. Presence and absence of butterflies in the Shoshone Mountains and Toiyabe and Toquima ranges, Nevada (3rd Edition)
- Author(s):
- Fleishman, Erica
11. Data product containing elk telemetry and vegetation characterization for "Habitat use by elk (Cervus elaphus) within structural stages of a managed forest of the northcentral United States"
- Author(s):
- Rumble, Mark A.; Gamo, R. Scott
12. Coram Experimental Forest 15 minute streamflow data (2nd Edition)
- Author(s):
- Glasgow, Lance S.; Wright, David K.; Sutherland, Elaine K.
13. Campsite assessment data for backcountry campsites in Grand Canyon National Park
- Author(s):
- Cole, David N.
14. Baseline campsite data for sites near lakes in the Spanish Peaks portion of the Lee Metcalf Wilderness
- Author(s):
- Cole, David N.
15. Campsite condition data for the Miller Peak Wilderness
- Author(s):
- Cole, David N.
16. Vegetation structure and composition in the Shoshone Mountains and Toiyabe, Toquima, and Monitor ranges, Nevada (2nd Edition)
- Author(s):
- Fleishman, Erica
17. Vegetation structure and composition in the Shoshone Mountains and Toiyabe, Toquima, and Monitor ranges, Nevada
- Author(s):
- Fleishman, Erica
18. Incidental and long-distance bird observations in the Shoshone, Toiyabe, Toquima, and Monitor ranges, Nevada (2nd Edition)
- Author(s):
- Fleishman, Erica
19. Incidental and long-distance bird observations in the Shoshone, Toiyabe, Toquima, and Monitor ranges, Nevada (1st Edition)
- Author(s):
- Fleishman, Erica
20. Campsite condition data for four South-Central Wildernesses in Arkansas, Illinois, and Missouri
- Author(s):
- Cole, David N.
21. Composite Burn Index (CBI) data and field photos collected for the FIRESEV project, western United States
- Author(s):
- Sikkink, Pamela G.; Dillon, Gregory K.; Keane,Robert E.; Morgan, Penelope; Karau, Eva C.; Holden, Zachary A.; Silverstein, Robin P.
22. Campsite condition data for the Salmon River in the Frank Church-River of No Return Wilderness
- Author(s):
- Cole, David N.
23. Campsite condition data for the Superstition Wilderness
- Author(s):
- Cole, David N.
24. Campsite condition data for the San Rafael Wilderness
- Author(s):
- Cole, David N.; Spildie, David R.
25. John Muir Wilderness and Sequoia-Kings Canyon National Parks Wilderness: 1990 visitor survey data
- Author(s):
- Watson, Alan E.; Niccolucci, Michael J.; Williams, Daniel R.
26. Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks (SEKI) Wilderness: 2011 visitor survey data
- Author(s):
- Martin, Steve R.; Blackwell, Jessica; Watson, Alan E.
27. Social conditions, conflict, and preference data for users in the Rattlesnake National Recreation Area in 1989
- Author(s):
- Watson, Alan E.; Williams, Daniel R.; Daigle, John J.
28. Social conditions, conflict, and preference data for users in the Rattlesnake National Recreation Area in 1994
- Author(s):
- Watson, Alan E.; Zaglauer, Hans P.; Stewart, Susan I.
29. Streamflow data for the Priest River Experimental Forest
- Author(s):
- Link, Timothy E.; Wei, Liang; Denner, Robert J.
30. Human values, behavior, and attitudes: Data from a survey of visitors within Oregon's Eagle Cap Wilderness
- Author(s):
- Watson, Alan E.; Zaglauer, Hans P.
31. Data on wilderness experience stewardship from a 2001-2002 visitor survey at Gates of the Arctic National Park & Preserve
- Author(s):
- Glaspell, Brian; Watson, Alan E.; Kneeshaw, Katie; Pendergrast, Don; Christensen, Neal A.; Liljeblad, Adam
32. Seed and ring width data from 'Climate drivers of seed production in Picea engelmannii and response to warming temperatures in the southern Rocky Mountains'
- Author(s):
- Buechling, Arne; Martin, Patrick H.; Canham, Charles D.; Shepperd, Wayne D.; Battaglia, Michael A.; Asherin, Lance A.
33. Data supporting publication of fortifying the forest: thinning and burning increase resistance to a bark beetle outbreak and promote forest resilience
- Author(s):
- Hood, Sharon M.
34. Supporting data for "Morphologic plasticity and increasing competition explain deviation from the Metabolic Scaling Theory in semi-arid conifer forests, southwestern USA"
- Author(s):
- Swetnam, Tyson L.; O'Connor, Christopher D.; Lynch, Ann M.
35. Use characteristics, visitor preferences, and conflict between horse users and hikers in the Charles C. Deam Wilderness Area: 1990-1991 visitor survey data
- Author(s):
- Watson, Alan E.; Daigle, John J.; Armatas, Chris A.; Campbell, Carly J.
36. Bob Marshall Wilderness Complex (BMWC) 1982 visitor characteristics, attitudes, and use patterns
- Author(s):
- Lucas, Robert C.
37. Situk River, Alaska: 2003 recreation visitor study data
- Author(s):
- Christensen, Neal A.; Watson, Alan E.; Whittaker, Doug
38. Oral history of changes in wilderness conditions, use, and management in the Sequoia Kings Canyon National Parks: 2010 interviews
- Author(s):
- Steiner, Alison M.; Williams, Daniel R.; Fauth, Gregg D.; Watson, Alan E.
39. Social conditions and preference data for visitors to three wilderness areas in the southern United States in 1989-1990
- Author(s):
- Watson, Alan E.; Daigle, John J.; Niccolucci, Michael J.
40. Gates of the Arctic Kobuk River: 2001 sport hunter survey data
- Author(s):
- Christensen, Neal A.; Watson, Alan E.
41. Shining Rock Wilderness: 1990 visitor survey data
- Author(s):
- Watson, Alan E.; Cole, David N.; Roggenbuck, Joseph W.; Stubbs, Christopher J.
42. Ambient soil temperatures in prescribed burned ponderosa pine forests at Fort Valley Experimental Forest, Arizona
- Author(s):
- Sackett, Stephen S.; Haase, Steve M.; Carpenter, David C.; Weise, David R.
43. Northern Arizona, USA, post-wildfire avian data: western bluebird detection/non-detection and banding data
- Author(s):
- Block, William M.; Strohmeyer, Brenda E.; Sanderlin, Jamie S.
44. Field attributes and satellite data for "How vegetation recovery and fuel conditions in past fires influences fuels and future fire management in five western U.S. ecosystems" (1st Edition)
- Author(s):
- Bright, Benjamin C.; Hudak, Andrew T.; Strand, Eva K.; Newingham, Beth A.; Smith, April G.; Hammond, Darcy H.; Dodge, Jessie M.; Bontrager, Jonathan
45. Dendroctonus pseudotsugae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) sequential sampling data
- Author(s):
- Negron, Jose F.
46. Post-fire field observations across the 2007 Egley Fire in central Oregon (1st Edition)
- Author(s):
- Bright, Benjamin C.; Hudak, Andrew T.; Dodge, Jessie M.
47. Incidental and long-distance bird observations in the Shoshone, Toiyabe, Toquima, and Monitor ranges, Nevada (3rd Edition)
- Author(s):
- Fleishman, Erica
48. Detections of breeding birds in the Shoshone, Toiyabe, Toquima, and Monitor ranges, Nevada (4th Edition)
- Author(s):
- Fleishman, Erica
49. Vegetation, soils, and landscape data for experimental rehabilitation of slash pile fire scars in conifer forests of the Front Range, Colorado
- Author(s):
- Shanklin, Amber M.; Rhoades, Charles C.; Fornwalt, Paula J.; Paschke, Mark W.
50. Fire and tree mortality database (FTM)
- Author(s):
- Cansler, C. Alina; Hood, Sharon M.; Varner, J. Morgan; van Mantgem, Phillip J.; Agne, Michelle C.; Andrus, Robert A.; Ayres, Matthew P.; Ayres, Bruce D.; Bakker, Jonathan D.; Battaglia, Michael A.; Bentz, Barbara J.; Breece, Carolyn R.; Brown, James K.; Cluck, Daniel R.; Coleman, Tom W.; Corace, R. Gregory; Covington, W. Wallace; Cram, Douglas S.; Cronan, James B.; Crouse, Joseph E.; Das, Adrian J.; Davis, Ryan S.; Dickinson, Darci M.; Fitzgerald, Stephen A.; Fulé, Peter Z.; Ganio, Lisa M.; Grayson, Lindsay M.; Halpern, Charles B.; Hanula, Jim L.; Harvey, Brian J.; Hiers, J. Kevin; Huffman, David W.; Keifer, MaryBeth; Keyser, Tara L.; Kobziar, Leda N.; Kolb, Thomas E.; Kolden, Crystal A.; Kopper, Karen E.; Kreitler, Jason R.; Kreye, Jesse K.; Latimer, Andrew M.; Lerch, Andrew P.; Lombardero, Maria J.; McDaniel, Virginia L.; McHugh, Charles W.; McMillin, Joel D.; Moghaddas, Jason J.; O’Brien, Joseph J.; Perrakis, Daniel D.B.; Peterson, David W.; Prichard, Susan J.; Progar, Robert A.; Raffa, Kenneth F.; Reinhardt, Elizabeth D.; Restaino, Joseph C.; Roccaforte, John P.; Rogers, Brendan M.; Ryan, Kevin C.; Safford, Hugh D.; Santoro, Alyson E.; Shearman, Timothy M.; Shumate, Alice M.; Sieg, Carolyn H.; Smith, Sheri L.; Smith, Rebecca J.; Stephenson, Nathan L.; Steuver, Mary; Stevens, Jens T.; Stoddard, Michael T.; Thies, Walter G.; Vaillant, Nicole M.; Weiss, Shelby A.; Westlind, Douglas J.; Woolley, Travis J.; Wright, Micah