1. Detections of breeding birds in the Shoshone, Toiyabe, Toquima, and Monitor ranges, Nevada (3rd Edition)
- Author(s):
- Fleishman, Erica
2. Vegetation structure and composition in the Shoshone Mountains and Toiyabe, Toquima, and Monitor ranges, Nevada (2nd Edition)
- Author(s):
- Fleishman, Erica
3. Vegetation structure and composition in the Shoshone Mountains and Toiyabe, Toquima, and Monitor ranges, Nevada
- Author(s):
- Fleishman, Erica
4. Incidental and long-distance bird observations in the Shoshone, Toiyabe, Toquima, and Monitor ranges, Nevada (2nd Edition)
- Author(s):
- Fleishman, Erica
5. Incidental and long-distance bird observations in the Shoshone, Toiyabe, Toquima, and Monitor ranges, Nevada (1st Edition)
- Author(s):
- Fleishman, Erica
6. Post-fire vegetation attributes in the Rim Fire, Stanislaus National Forest, California
- Author(s):
- Pavlik, David T.
7. Bartlett Experimental Forest permanent cruise plot data
- Author(s):
- Leak, William B.; Yamasaki, Mariko; Belair, Ethan P.; Knapp, Rachel A.; Brissette, John C.
8. Incidental and long-distance bird observations in the Shoshone, Toiyabe, Toquima, and Monitor ranges, Nevada (3rd Edition)
- Author(s):
- Fleishman, Erica
9. Detections of breeding birds in the Shoshone, Toiyabe, Toquima, and Monitor ranges, Nevada (4th Edition)
- Author(s):
- Fleishman, Erica
10. Detections of breeding birds in the Sheeprock and East Tintic Mountains, Utah
- Author(s):
- Fleishman, Erica
11. Incidental and long-distance bird observations in the Sheeprock and East Tintic Mountains, Utah
- Author(s):
- Fleishman, Erica
12. Vegetation structure and composition in the Sheeprock and East Tintic Mountains, Utah
- Author(s):
- Fleishman, Erica
13. Detections of breeding birds in the Owyhee Uplands, Idaho
- Author(s):
- Fleishman, Erica
14. Incidental and long-distance bird observations in the Owyhee Uplands, Idaho
- Author(s):
- Fleishman, Erica
15. Vegetation structure and composition in the Owyhee Uplands, Idaho
- Author(s):
- Fleishman, Erica
16. A century of Forest Service research and development in the southern United States: historical documents and images
- Author(s):
- Bragg, Don C.
17. Historical photographs from U.S. Forest Service research and development activities in Alaska
- Author(s):
- Wright, Brenda E.; Plumb, Pauline; Wright, John; Biles, Frances E.
18. Trask River Watershed Study: Benthic macroinvertebrate sampling, 2006-2016
- Author(s):
- Johnson, Sherri L.; Li, Judith L.; Sobota, Janel Banks; Gerth, William J.
19. Forest dynamics after thinning and fuel reduction in Pringle Falls Experimental Forest – bark beetle response data
- Author(s):
- Fettig, Christopher J.; Mortenson, Leif A.; Audley, Jackson P.
20. Bartlett Experimental Forest permanent cruise plot data (2nd Edition)
- Author(s):
- Belair, Ethan P.; Fraser, Olivia L.; Leak, William B.; Yamasaki, Mariko; Ducey, Mark J.