1. Overstory tree and regeneration data from the "Management Intensity Demonstration" study at Penobscot Experimental Forest
- Author(s):
- Waskiewicz, Justin D.; Kenefic, Laura S.; Puhlick, Joshua J.; Rogers, Nicole S.; Brissette, John C.
2. Kane Experimental Forest: Overstory tree data from a thinning study in Allegheny hardwoods
- Author(s):
- Rhinehart, Tessa A.; Weldon, Corinne A.; Stout, Susan L.
3. Data supporting publication of fortifying the forest: thinning and burning increase resistance to a bark beetle outbreak and promote forest resilience
- Author(s):
- Hood, Sharon M.
4. Season and interval of burning and cattle exclusion in the southern Blue Mountains, Oregon: Overstory tree height, diameter and growth
- Author(s):
- Kerns, Becky K.; Westlind, Douglas J.; Day, Michelle A.
5. Season and interval of burning in the southern Blue Mountains, Oregon: Surface fuels
- Author(s):
- Westlind, Douglas J.; Kerns, Becky K.
6. Season and interval of burning and cattle exclusion in the southern Blue Mountains, Oregon: Environmental attributes
- Author(s):
- Kerns, Becky K.; Day, Michelle A.
7. Season and interval of burning and cattle exclusion in the southern Blue Mountains, Oregon: Understory vegetation attributes
- Author(s):
- Kerns, Becky K.; Day, Michelle A.
8. Fernow Experimental Forest overstory tree and regeneration data from the "Management Intensity Demonstration" study
- Author(s):
- Schuler, Thomas M.; Thomas-Van Gundy, Melissa A.; Wood, Frederica
9. Overstory and understory data from a contemporary reference stand: the Beaver Creek Pinery, Lassen National Forest, CA
- Author(s):
- Knapp, Eric E.
10. Timber survey data from 1911 in the Greenhorn Mountains, Sequoia National Forest
- Author(s):
- Stephens, Scott L.; Lydersen, Jamie M.; Collins, Brandon M.; Fry, Danny L.; Meyer, Marc D.
11. Long-term plant invasion in disturbed and undisturbed forests: species richness, frequency, and abundance
- Author(s):
- Huebner, Cynthia D.
12. Fernow Experimental Forest overstory tree and regeneration data from the "Financial Maturity" study
- Author(s):
- Thomas-Van Gundy, Melissa A.; Schuler, Thomas M.; Wood, Frederica
13. Long-term SUCCESS: Vegetation data collected in 2017 from permanent plots in the sagebrush steppe of south-central Washington state
- Author(s):
- Bakker, Jonathan D.; Davies, Matt G.; Wainwright, Claire E.; Power, Simon C.
14. Vegetation and fuels data from the Fire & Fire Surrogate Study in western Montana: 20-year summary
- Author(s):
- Hood, Sharon M.; Crotteau, Justin S.
15. 30 years of stream habitat monitoring data from Tongass National Forest, Alaska, USA, 1991-2020
- Author(s):
- Tucker, Emil; Prussian, Katherine M.; Moore, Michael J.; Claeson, Shannon M.; Munyon, Jay W.; Flitcroft, Rebecca L.
16. Longleaf pine regional cone production study
- Author(s):
- Boyer, William D.; Brockway, Dale G.; Willis, John L.