1. Alaska forestry research historical images
- Author(s):
- Barnard, Jeffrey C.; Nelson, Kellen N.
2. Treefrog response data from and assessment of short-term impacts of prescribed fire in Central Florida
- Author(s):
- Biazzo, Ian N.; Quintana-Ascencio, Pedro F.
3. Spatial datasets of probabilistic wildfire risk components for the conterminous United States (270m) for circa 2011 climate and projected future climate circa 2047
- Author(s):
- Riley, Karin L.; Zimmer, Scott N.; Kodra, Evan; Grenfell, Isaac C.; Dillon, Gregory K.; Scott, Joe H.; Jaffe, Melissa R.; Olszewski, Julia H.; Vogler, Kevin C.; Finney, Mark A.; Short, Karen C.; Jolly, W. Matthew; Brittain, Stuart E.
4. Individual plant performance, site, understory, and soil data for experimental translocation of Polyscias bisattenuata, a critically endangered Hawaiian tree species, Kauai Island, 2019-2022
- Author(s):
- Douglas, Julia; Bai, Mingzhou; Fortini, Lucas Berio; Yelenik, Stephanie G.; Rønsted, Nina
5. Western Micronesia wildfires (2016+) (2nd Edition)
- Author(s):
- Earl, Allyson R.; Geringer-Frazier, Barbara L.; Dendy, Julian T.; Giardina, Christian P.; Cordell, Susan; Uowolo, Amanda L.
6. Babeldaob Island wildfires (2012+) (2nd Edition)
- Author(s):
- Earl, Allyson R.; Geringer-Frazier, Barbara L.; Dendy, Julian T.; Mesubed, Dino; Giardina, Christian P.; Cordell, Susan; Holm, Tarita; Uowolo, Amanda L.
7. Greenhouse gas emissions and removals from forest land, woodlands, and urban trees in the United States, 1990-2022: Estimates and quantitative uncertainty for individual states, regional ownerships, National Forests, and Tribal Ownership
- Author(s):
- Walters, Brian F.; Domke, Grant M.; Greenfield, Eric J.; Smith, James E.; Ogle, Stephen M.
8. Understanding water in the social-ecological system of the Wind River/Bighorn River Basin, Wyoming and Montana: Choice modeling survey data from 2016
- Author(s):
- Armatas, Christopher A.; Watson, Alan E.; Borrie, William T.; Christensen, Neal A.; Venn, Tyron J.
9. Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) invasive plant species data from the eastern United States, intersected with wildland-urban interface (WUI) status and land cover context
- Author(s):
- Potter, Kevin M.; Riitters, Kurt H.; Iannone, Basil V.; Guo, Qinfeng; Fei, Songlin
10. Annual visitation and economic benefits of recreation from 2017-2022 estimated for Forest Service lands within ten initial investment landscapes of the Wildfire Crisis Strategy
- Author(s):
- Lehr, Jacob B.; White, Eric M.; Winder, Samantha G.; Shashidhar, Mithali; Wood, Spencer A.