1. Data and code for analyzing unequal access to social, environmental, and health amenities in United States urban parks
- Author(s):
- Winkler, Richelle L.; Clark, Jeffrey A.G.; Locke, Dexter H.; Kremer, Peleg; Aronson, Myla F.J.; Hoover, Fushcia-Ann; Joo, Hogyeum Evan; La Rosa, Daniele; Lee, KangJae Jerry; Lerman, Susannah B.; Pearsall, Hamil; Vargo, Timothy L.V.; Nilon, Charles H.; Lepczyk, Christopher A.
2. Fire Behavior Assessment Team: in-fire videos from 2020 to 2023
- Author(s):
- Dickinson, Matthew B.; Ewell, Carol M.; Dailey, Scott N.; Pasquale, Richard; Birch, Joseph D.; Hanan, Erin J.; Knapp, Eric E.; Miesel, Jessica R.
3. Proportions of wildland vegetation in proximity to buildings: Assessments for the conterminous United States, National Forests lands, and private inholdings
- Author(s):
- Carlson, Amanda R.; Radeloff, Volker C.; Helmers, David P.; Mockrin, Miranda H.; Hawbaker, Todd J.; Pidgeon, Anna
4. Data on the effects of silvicultural thinning and prescribed fire on soil chemistry and foliar physiology of three coniferous species at the Teakettle Experimental Forest, California, USA
- Author(s):
- Minocha, Rakesh; Long, Stephanie; North, Malcolm P.
5. Data on the effects of elevated carbon dioxide and ozone on carbon and nitrogen metabolism in the foliage and sapwood of trembling aspen, paper birch, and sugar maple at the Aspen FACE (Free-Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment) study site
- Author(s):
- Minocha, Rakesh; Long, Stephanie; Minocha, Subhash C.; Marquardt, Paula E.
6. Effects of nutrient addition on leaf chemistry and metabolism of three bog shrubs growing in the Mer Bleue bog, a Canadian boreal peatland
- Author(s):
- Minocha, Rakesh; Long, Stephanie
7. Larch needle cast surveys in Wisconsin, Iowa, and Michigan, summer 1981
- Author(s):
- Robbins, Kathryn
8. Historical woodland density of the conterminous United States, 1873
- Author(s):
- Liknes, Greg C.; Nelson, Mark D.; Kaisershot, Daniel J.