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Displaying items 1 - 10 of 165
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4. Data and code for analyzing unequal access to social, environmental, and health amenities in United States urban parks

Winkler, Richelle L.; Clark, Jeffrey A.G.; Locke, Dexter H.; Kremer, Peleg; Aronson, Myla F.J.; Hoover, Fushcia-Ann; Joo, Hogyeum Evan; La Rosa, Daniele; Lee, KangJae Jerry; Lerman, Susannah B.; Pearsall, Hamil; Vargo, Timothy L.V.; Nilon, Charles H.; Lepczyk, Christopher A.

5. Fire Behavior Assessment Team: in-fire videos from 2020 to 2023

Dickinson, Matthew B.; Ewell, Carol M.; Dailey, Scott N.; Pasquale, Richard; Birch, Joseph D.; Hanan, Erin J.; Knapp, Eric E.; Miesel, Jessica R.

6. Tree canopy cover in the Great Lakes region, 1985-2019 Data publication contains GIS data

Filippelli, Steven K.; Schleeweis, Karen G.; Nelson, Mark D.; Fekety, Patrick A.; Vogeler, Jody C.

7. Biophysical and weather conditions associated with fuel breaks leveraged during the suppression of large widlfires in southern California National Forests

Young, Jesse D.; Gannon, Benjamin M.; Wei, Yu; Belval, Erin J.; Thompson, Matthew P.; O'Connor, Christopher D.; Calkin, David E.; Dunn, Christopher J.

9. Silvicultural effects on first-rotation ponderosa pine plantation in northern California: Garden of Eden study Data publication contains GIS data

Zhang, Jianwei; Finley, Kaelyn A.; Looney, Christopher E.

10. Middle Fork Salmon River, Idaho, Chinook salmon redd count database, 1995-2021 Data publication contains GIS data

Thurow, Russell F.; Guzevich, John W.; Nagel, David E.; Parkes-Payne, Sharon L.