1. Data and code for analyzing unequal access to social, environmental, and health amenities in United States urban parks
- Author(s):
- Winkler, Richelle L.; Clark, Jeffrey A.G.; Locke, Dexter H.; Kremer, Peleg; Aronson, Myla F.J.; Hoover, Fushcia-Ann; Joo, Hogyeum Evan; La Rosa, Daniele; Lee, KangJae Jerry; Lerman, Susannah B.; Pearsall, Hamil; Vargo, Timothy L.V.; Nilon, Charles H.; Lepczyk, Christopher A.
2. Data and replication code for analyzing the variation in urban tree canopy and air temperature reduction in New Haven, Connecticut, 2019 - 2021
- Author(s):
- Locke, Dexter H.; Baker, Matthew; Alonzo, Micheal; Yang, Yichen; Ziter, Carly D.; Murphy-Dunning, Colleen; O’Neil-Dunne, Jarlath P.M.
3. Percent tree and impervious cover for 2020 and projected in 2070 for three RPA scenarios (average, maximum and minimum) for the 2020 RPA Assessment
- Author(s):
- Greenfield, Eric J.; Nowak, David J.
4. Urban land, urban tree cover and urban impervious cover by conterminous United States counties from 2010 to 2060
- Author(s):
- Nowak, David J.; Greenfield, Eric J.
5. Historical photographs from U.S. Forest Service research and development activities in Alaska
- Author(s):
- Wright, Brenda E.; Plumb, Pauline; Wright, John; Biles, Frances E.
6. Data and script files for "Expanding the invasion footprint: Ventenata dubia and relationships to wildfire, environment, and plant communities in the Blue Mountains of the Inland Northwest, USA"
- Author(s):
- Tortorelli, Claire M.; Krawchuk, Meg A.; Kerns, Becky K.
7. BES household telephone survey
- Author(s):
- Grove, Morgan; Locke, Dexter H.
8. Fuel treatment and previous fire effects on daily fire management costs
- Author(s):
- Barnett, Kevin; Naughton, Helen T.; Parks, Sean A.; Miller, Carol
9. Flower phenology and climate data for Artemisia tridentata populations
- Author(s):
- Richardson, Bryce A.; Chaney, Linsay; Shaw, Nancy L.; Still, Shannon M.