1. Marcell Experimental Forest peatland and upland water table elevations
- Author(s):
- Verry, Elon S.; Elling, Arthur E.; Sebestyen, Stephen D.; Kolka, Randall K.; Kyllander, Richard
2. Data from monitoring inter-group encounters at the Alpine Lakes Wilderness in 1991
- Author(s):
- Watson, Alan E.; Cronn, Rich; Christensen, Neal A.
3. Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness: 1991 visitor survey data
- Author(s):
- Watson, Alan E.; Cole, David N.; Cronn, Richard; Sullivan, Z. Kent
4. Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness: 2007 visitor survey data
- Author(s):
- Dvorak, Robert G.; Watson, Alan E.; Christensen, Neal A.; Borrie, William T.; Schwaller, Ann
5. Marcell Experimental Forest daily streamflow data
- Author(s):
- Verry, Elon S.; Elling, Arthur E.; Sebestyen, Stephen D.; Kolka, Randall K.; Kyllander, Richard
6. Shining Rock Wilderness: 1990 visitor survey data
- Author(s):
- Watson, Alan E.; Cole, David N.; Roggenbuck, Joseph W.; Stubbs, Christopher J.
7. Flammability thresholds of Eastern redcedar as a potential indicator for heightened wildfire danger
- Author(s):
- Bielski, Christine H.; Twidwell, Dirac L.; Elmore, R. Dwayne; Engle, David M.; Fuhlendorf, Samuel D.; Hovick, Torre J.; Thacker, Eric T.
8. Public's trust in wildland fire and fuel management decisions: data from a 2004 study in the Bitterroot Valley, Montana
- Author(s):
- Liljeblad, Adam J.; Watson, Alan E.; Borrie, William T.
9. Desolation Wilderness: data from 1997-1998 visitor response to fees, fee demonstration project
- Author(s):
- Watson, Alan E.; Puttkammer, Annette; Christensen, Neal A.
10. Event runoff volume data and daily runoff data for the S2 and S6 catchments at the Marcell Experimental Forest
- Author(s):
- Sebestyen, Stephen D.; Kyllander, Richard
11. Global fire emissions, fire area burned and air quality data projected using a global earth system model (RCP45/SSP1 and RCP8.5/SSP3)
- Author(s):
- Val Martin, Maria; Pierce, Jeffery R.; Heald, Colette L.
12. Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve: 2002-2003 wilderness visitor experience data in the Alaska regional context
- Author(s):
- Watson, Alan E.; Glaspell, Brian S.; Kneeshaw, Katie C.
13. Data from a 1972 visitor survey in the Desolation Wilderness to determine baseline visitor characteristics, and preferences for wilderness conditions and experience
- Author(s):
- Lucas, Robert C.
14. Ambient soil temperatures in prescribed burned ponderosa pine forests at Fort Valley Experimental Forest, Arizona
- Author(s):
- Sackett, Stephen S.; Haase, Steve M.; Carpenter, David C.; Weise, David R.
15. Low-density polyethylene smoke emissions from simulated debris piles
- Author(s):
- Hosseini, SeyedEhsan; Shrivastava, Manish; Cocker, David R.; Jung, Heejung S.; Weise, David R.
16. Tree survival and growth as well as soil characteristics resulting from logging residue levels and site preparation treatments on Trout Creek Hill Units 1-3, Wind River Experimental Forest
- Author(s):
- Harrington, Constance A.
17. Coulee Experimental Forest nursery stock measurements, 1961-1962
- Author(s):
- Forest Service Research Data Archive
18. Douglas-fir levels of growing stock study (LOGS) data from the Pacific Northwest
- Author(s):
- Harrington, Constance A.
19. Fire Behavior Assessment Team: pre- and post-fire tree data, raw and processed
- Author(s):
- Reiner, Alicia L.; Ewell, Carol M.; Fites-Kaufman, Josephine A.; Dailey, Scott N.; Noonan-Wright, Erin K.; Norman, Tiffany P.; Vaillant, Nicole M.; Dickinson, Matthew B.; Morgan, Chelsea; Courson, Mark; Campbell, Mike
20. Effects of single and repeat wildfires on forest structure and fuels in the South Fork Flathead watershed within the Bob Marshall Wilderness
- Author(s):
- Larson, Andrew J.; Belote, R. Travis; Berkey, Julia K.; Maher, Colin T.