1. Greenhouse gas emissions and removals from forest land, woodlands, and urban trees in the United States, 1990-2022: Estimates and quantitative uncertainty for individual states, regional ownerships, National Forests, and Tribal Ownership
- Author(s):
- Walters, Brian F.; Domke, Grant M.; Greenfield, Eric J.; Smith, James E.; Ogle, Stephen M.
2. Understanding water in the social-ecological system of the Wind River/Bighorn River Basin, Wyoming and Montana: Choice modeling survey data from 2016
- Author(s):
- Armatas, Christopher A.; Watson, Alan E.; Borrie, William T.; Christensen, Neal A.; Venn, Tyron J.
3. Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) invasive plant species data from the eastern United States, intersected with wildland-urban interface (WUI) status and land cover context
- Author(s):
- Potter, Kevin M.; Riitters, Kurt H.; Iannone, Basil V.; Guo, Qinfeng; Fei, Songlin
4. Foliar metabolism and physiology of tulip poplar, black cherry, and sugar maple growing in three different soil series, each with different taxonomic characteristics and chemistry, in the Monongahela National Forest, West Virginia, USA
- Author(s):
- Minocha, Rakesh; Connolly, Stephanie J.; Long, Stephanie
5. Data and code for analyzing unequal access to social, environmental, and health amenities in United States urban parks
- Author(s):
- Winkler, Richelle L.; Clark, Jeffrey A.G.; Locke, Dexter H.; Kremer, Peleg; Aronson, Myla F.J.; Hoover, Fushcia-Ann; Joo, Hogyeum Evan; La Rosa, Daniele; Lee, KangJae Jerry; Lerman, Susannah B.; Pearsall, Hamil; Vargo, Timothy L.V.; Nilon, Charles H.; Lepczyk, Christopher A.
6. Field plot measurements from the 2017-2020 FASMEE Rx fires
- Author(s):
- Eagle, Paige C.; Cronan, James B.; McCarley, T. Ryan; Bright, Benjamin C.; Hudak, Andrew T.
7. Data related to the physiology, growth, and survival of balsam fir and northern white-cedar seedlings exposed to experimental droughts and floods
- Author(s):
- Schulz, Katlyn A.; Barry, Alexandra M.; Kenefic, Laura S.; Wason, Jay W.
8. Tree, understory, soil, and light data for Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge, Hawaiʻi Island, 2016-2020
- Author(s):
- Yelenik, Stephanie G.; D'Antonio, Carla M.; Rehm, Evan M.; Elgersma, Cheryl
9. Native tree phenology data from the Ka‘ūpūlehu tropical dry forest, Hawaiʻi
- Author(s):
- Cordell, Susan; Cole, Thomas G.
10. Fire Behavior Assessment Team: in-fire videos from 2020 to 2023
- Author(s):
- Dickinson, Matthew B.; Ewell, Carol M.; Dailey, Scott N.; Pasquale, Richard; Birch, Joseph D.; Hanan, Erin J.; Knapp, Eric E.; Miesel, Jessica R.