1. Low-density polyethylene smoke emissions from simulated debris piles
- Author(s):
- Hosseini, SeyedEhsan; Shrivastava, Manish; Cocker, David R.; Jung, Heejung S.; Weise, David R.
2. Coulee Experimental Forest nursery stock measurements, 1961-1962
- Author(s):
- Forest Service Research Data Archive
3. Fire Behavior Assessment Team: pre- and post-fire tree data, raw and processed
- Author(s):
- Reiner, Alicia L.; Ewell, Carol M.; Fites-Kaufman, Josephine A.; Dailey, Scott N.; Noonan-Wright, Erin K.; Norman, Tiffany P.; Vaillant, Nicole M.; Dickinson, Matthew B.; Morgan, Chelsea; Courson, Mark; Campbell, Mike
4. Data from the "Tree Quality Outcomes of Silvicultural Treatments” study at the Penobscot Experimental Forest
- Author(s):
- Kenefic, Laura S.; Gerndt, Kathryn M.; Rogers, Nicole S.; Castle, Mark E.; Weiskittel, Aaron R.