1. Data supporting publication of fortifying the forest: thinning and burning increase resistance to a bark beetle outbreak and promote forest resilience
- Author(s):
- Hood, Sharon M.
2. Tree demography records and last recorded fire dates from the Pinaleño Demography Project, Arizona USA
- Author(s):
- O'Connor, Christopher D.; Falk, Donald A.; Lynch, Ann M.; Swetnam, Thomas W.; Wilcox, Craig P.
3. Tree-ring growth and stable-carbon isotope response data to forest restoration treatments in ponderosa pine forests of the Lick Creek Demonstration-Research Forest, Bitterroot National Forest, Montana, USA
- Author(s):
- Tepley, Alan J.; Hood, Sharon M.; Keyes, Christopher R.; Sala, Anna
4. Understory plant community data collected before and after mechanical forest restoration treatments, Colorado Front Range
- Author(s):
- Demarest, Arièl B.; Wolk, Brett H.; Fornwalt, Paula J.; Barrett, Kevin J.; Warnick, Katarina J.; Briggs, Jennifer S.; Redmond, Miranda D.; Rodman, Kyle C.; Feinstein, Jonas A.