1. Historical maps of land use in Puerto Rico in 1951
- Author(s):
- Helmer, Eileen H.; Córdova, Juan R.; Quiñones, Maya; Hubing, Nick
2. Ecological regions of Hawai'i
- Author(s):
- Potter, Kevin M.
3. Data and replication code for analyzing crime on street segments with and without building removals in Baltimore, MD 2014-2019
- Author(s):
- Locke, Dexter H.; Fix, Rebecca L.; Gobaud, Ariana N.; Morrison, Christopher N.; Jay, Jonathan; Kondo, Michelle C.
4. Forest age map, tree species traits and Landsat phenology metrics for Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands
- Author(s):
- Helmer, Eileen H.; Kay, Shannon L.; Marcano-Vega, Humfredo; Powers, Jennifer S.; Wood, Tana E.; Zhu, Xiaolin; Gwenzi, David; Ruzycki, Thomas S.
5. Cloud forest data for "Neotropical cloud forests and páramo to contract and dry from declines in cloud immersion and frost"
- Author(s):
- Helmer, Eileen H.; Gerson, Elizabeth A.; Baggett, L. Scott; Bird, Benjamin J.; Ruzycki, Thomas S.; Voggesser, Shannon M.
6. Historical woodland density of the conterminous United States, 1873
- Author(s):
- Liknes, Greg C.; Nelson, Mark D.; Kaisershot, Daniel J.
7. Geomorphology influences extent and composition of riparian plant communities at the watershed scale in central Nevada
- Author(s):
- Engelhardt, Blake M. ; Weisberg, Peter J.; Chambers, Jeanne C.