1. Precommercial thinning x fertilization study data from the Penobscot Experimental Forest
- Author(s):
- Brissette, John C.; Kenefic, Laura S.; Russell, Matthew B.
2. Overstory tree and regeneration data from the "Silvicultural Effects on Composition, Structure, and Growth" study at Penobscot Experimental Forest
- Author(s):
- Brissette, John C.; Kenefic, Laura S.; Russell, Matthew B.; Puhlick, Joshua J.
3. Tree height and diameter data from the Aspen FACE Experiment, 1997-2008
- Author(s):
- Kubiske, Mark E.
4. North American Carbon Program biometric database
- Author(s):
- Cole, Jason A.; Johnson, Kristofer D.; Birdsey, Richard A.; Pan, Yude; Wayson, Craig A.; McCullough, Kevin; Hoover, Coeli M.; Hollinger, David Y.; Bradford, John B.; Ryan, Michael G.; Kolka, Randall K.; Weishampel, Peter; Clark, Kenneth L.; Skowronski, Nicholas S.; Hom, John; Ollinger, Scott V.; McNulty, Steven G.; Gavazzi, Michael J.
5. Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks (SEKI) Wilderness: 2011 visitor survey data
- Author(s):
- Martin, Steve R.; Blackwell, Jessica; Watson, Alan E.
6. Tenderfoot Creek Research Project seedling, sapling and variable radius plot tree data
- Author(s):
- Glasgow, Lance S.; Wright, David K.; Sutherland, Elaine K.; McCaughey, Ward W.
7. Fuel moisture extraction data measured to compare chainsaw and handsaw methods
- Author(s):
- Haase, Sally M.; Zahn, Susan M.; Burke, Gloria M.; Corcoran, Bonni G.
8. Tree density, size, and composition data for mixed-conifer forest in the Deschutes and Ochoco National Forests
- Author(s):
- Merschel, Andrew G.; Spies, Thomas A.; Heyerdahl, Emily K.
9. Supplemental materials for: Ozone monitoring at remote sites using low-power instrumentation
- Author(s):
- Korfmacher, John L.; Musselman, Robert C.
10. Overstory tree and regeneration data from the "Management Intensity Demonstration" study at Penobscot Experimental Forest
- Author(s):
- Waskiewicz, Justin D.; Kenefic, Laura S.; Puhlick, Joshua J.; Rogers, Nicole S.; Brissette, John C.
11. Habitat use data for male ruffed grouse in the Black Hills National Forest
- Author(s):
- Mehls, Cassandra L.; Jensen, Kent C.; Rumble, Mark A.; Wimberly, Michael C.
12. Forest carbon data for the 2008 US forest national greenhouse gas inventory
- Author(s):
- Smith, James E.; Heath, Linda S.; Patel, Amit R.
13. Field measurements of Arceuthobium americanum effects on forest structure and fuels loadings 21-28 years following a Dendroctonus ponderosae epidemic in the Pinus contorta zone of central Oregon
- Author(s):
- Agne, Michelle C.; Shaw, David C.; Woolley, Travis J.; Queijeiro-Bolanos, Monica E.
14. North American Carbon Program biometric database (2nd Edition)
- Author(s):
- Cole, Jason A.; Johnson, Kristofer D.; Birdsey, Richard A.; Pan, Yude; Wayson, Craig A.; McCullough, Kevin; Hoover, Coeli M.; Hollinger, David Y.; Bradford, John B.; Ryan, Michael G.; Kolka, Randall K.; Weishampel, Peter; Clark, Kenneth L.; Skowronski, Nicholas S.; Hom, John; Ollinger, Scott V.; McNulty, Steven G.; Gavazzi, Michael J.
15. Carbon dioxide and ozone data from the Aspen FACE Experiment, 1998-2009, and Phase II Experiment, 2010
- Author(s):
- Kubiske, Mark E.; Foss, Anita R.
16. Marginal fire spread in live fuel beds - horizontal fuels
- Author(s):
- Weise, David R.; Zhou, XiangYang; Mahalingam, Shankar; Chong, Joey
17. BeeTrees: tropical and sub-tropical nectar and pollen sources
- Author(s):
- Workman, Sarah W.; Stuthman, Joel
18. Moquah Barrens Research Natural Area - breeding bird surveys 1971-2006
- Author(s):
- Mossman, Michael J.; Epstein, Eric; Hoffman, Randy M.
19. Measurements from twelve permanent vegetation plots in the Moquah Barrens Research Natural Area: 1979 and 1996
- Author(s):
- Byers, BJ Jr.; Beck, Albert J.; Rugg, David J.
20. Presence and abundance of butterflies in the Wassuk Range, Sweetwater Mountains, and east slope of the Sierra Nevada, Nevada and California
- Author(s):
- Fleishman, Erica
21. Vegetation, fuels, and fire weather data from post-fire landscapes on the Plumas and Lassen National Forests
- Author(s):
- Coppoletta, Michelle; Merriam, Kyle E.; Collins, Brandon M.
22. Fuels data for developing models for predicting consumption in sagebrush-dominated ecosystems
- Author(s):
- Wright, Clinton S.
23. Permanent photographic points on the Moquah Barrens Research Natural Area
- Author(s):
- Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
24. Overstory tree and regeneration data from the "Silvicultural Effects on Composition, Structure, and Growth" study at Penobscot Experimental Forest (2nd Edition)
- Author(s):
- Kenefic, Laura S.; Rogers, Nicole S.; Puhlick, Joshua J.; Waskiewicz, Justin D.; Brissette, John C.
25. Data for developing fuel consumption models for pine flatwoods fuel types in the southeastern United States
- Author(s):
- Wright, Clinton S.
26. Detections of breeding birds in the Wassuk Range, Sweetwater Mountains, and east slope of the Sierra Nevada, Nevada and California (1st Edition)
- Author(s):
- Fleishman, Erica
27. Vegetation structure and composition in the Wassuk Range, Sweetwater Mountains, and east slope of the Sierra Nevada, Nevada and California (1st Edition)
- Author(s):
- Fleishman, Erica
28. Incidental and long-distance bird observations in the Wassuk Range, Sweetwater Mountains, and east slope of the Sierra Nevada, Nevada and California (1st Edition)
- Author(s):
- Fleishman, Erica
29. Forest bird monitoring data from national forests of the western Great Lakes region
- Author(s):
- Niemi, Gerald J.; Howe, Robert W.; Zlonis, Edmund J.; Grinde, Alexis R.; Parker, Linda R.; Gnass Giese, Erin E.
30. Chlorophyll-a data from Big Creek Tributaries (1990-2014)
- Author(s):
- Baxter, Colden V.; Minshall, G. Wayne
31. Invertebrate abundance and biomass data from Big Creek tributaries (1988-2012)
- Author(s):
- Baxter, Colden V.; Minshall, G. Wayne
32. Beaver monitoring data from the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest, Wisconsin
- Author(s):
- Reinecke, Susan; Eklund, Daniel A.; Donner, Deahn M.; Beck, Albert J.; Rugg, David J.
33. Overstory and regeneration data from the "Rehabilitation of cutover mixedwood stands" study at the Penobscot Experimental Forest (1st Edition)
- Author(s):
- Kenefic, Laura S.; Knapp, Rachel A.; Waskiewicz, Justin D.; Wilson, Jeremy S.
34. Chaparral biomass measurements in the Cleveland National Forest
- Author(s):
- Uyeda, Kellie A.; Stow, Douglas A.; O'Leary, John F.; Schmidt, Ian T.; Riggan, Philip J.
35. Characteristics of masticated particles in mixed-conifer forests of the western United States: Moisture-loss tests
- Author(s):
- Sikkink, Pamela G.
36. Raw urban street tree inventory data for 49 California cities
- Author(s):
- McPherson, E. Gregory; van Doorn, Natalie S.; de Goede, John
37. Diurnal breeding bird data for unmanaged Douglas-fir forests in western Washington and Oregon: 1984-1986
- Author(s):
- Raley, Catherine M.; Huff, Mark H.
38. Mangrove carbon stocks in Zambezi River Delta, Mozambique
- Author(s):
- Trettin, Carl C.; Stringer, Christina E.; Zarnoch, Stanley J.; Tang, Wenwu; Dai, Zhaohua
39. Modeled historical streamflow metrics for the contiguous United States and National Forest Lands
- Author(s):
- Luce, Charles H.; Lute, Abigail C.; Kormos, Patrick; Livneh, Ben
40. Timber survey data from 1911 in the Greenhorn Mountains, Sequoia National Forest
- Author(s):
- Stephens, Scott L.; Lydersen, Jamie M.; Collins, Brandon M.; Fry, Danny L.; Meyer, Marc D.
41. Raw data for urban trees in California communities
- Author(s):
- McPherson, E. Gregory; Xiao, Qingfu; de Goede, John; van Doorn, Natalie S.; Bjorkman, Jackie; Thorne, Jim H.; Hollander, Allan; Quinn, James
42. Low-density polyethylene smoke emissions from simulated debris piles
- Author(s):
- Hosseini, SeyedEhsan; Shrivastava, Manish; Cocker, David R.; Jung, Heejung S.; Weise, David R.
43. Data from the "Tree Quality Outcomes of Silvicultural Treatments” study at the Penobscot Experimental Forest
- Author(s):
- Kenefic, Laura S.; Gerndt, Kathryn M.; Rogers, Nicole S.; Castle, Mark E.; Weiskittel, Aaron R.
44. U.S. timber production, trade, consumption, and price statistics, 1965-2017
- Author(s):
- Howard, James L.; Liang, Shaobo
45. Coulee Experimental Forest nursery stock measurements, 1961-1962
- Author(s):
- Forest Service Research Data Archive
46. Fledging times of grassland birds
- Author(s):
- Ribic, Christine A.; Pietz, Pamela J.; Koper, Nicola; Ng, Christoph S.
47. Lick Creek historic photographic series: a century of change in a ponderosa pine forest in western Montana, US
- Author(s):
- Hood, Sharon M.; Lutes, Duncan C.; Crotteau, Justin S.; Keyes, Christopher R.; Sala, Anna; Harrington, Michael G.; Munger, Gregory T.
48. Fire Behavior Assessment Team: pre- and post-fire tree data, raw and processed
- Author(s):
- Reiner, Alicia L.; Ewell, Carol M.; Fites-Kaufman, Josephine A.; Dailey, Scott N.; Noonan-Wright, Erin K.; Norman, Tiffany P.; Vaillant, Nicole M.; Dickinson, Matthew B.; Morgan, Chelsea; Courson, Mark; Campbell, Mike
49. Climate data for RPA 2020 Assessment: MACAv2 (METDATA) historical modeled (1950-2005) and future (2006-2099) projections for the conterminous United States at the 1/24 degree grid scale
- Author(s):
- Joyce, Linda A.; Abatzoglou, John T.; Coulson, David P.
50. Dendroctonus pseudotsugae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) sequential sampling data
- Author(s):
- Negron, Jose F.