1. Marcell Experimental Forest cumulative hydrology database, 1960-2000
- Author(s):
- Verry, Elon S.; Elling, Arthur E.
2. Data product containing campsite assessments for "Effectiveness of a Confinement Strategy in Reducing Pack Stock Impacts at Campsites in the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness, Idaho"
- Author(s):
- Spildie, David R.; Cole, David N.; Walker, Sarah C.
3. Fraser Experimental Forest Headquarters station daily precipitation data: 1976-2003
- Author(s):
- Elder, Kelly
4. Fraser Experimental Forest Headquarters station weekly precipitation data: 1976-2003
- Author(s):
- Elder, Kelly
5. Data product containing tree heights, survival, and genetic variation for "Genetic Variation in Ponderosa Pine: A 15-year Test of Provenances in the Great Plains"
- Author(s):
- Van Haverbeke, David F.
6. Data product containing 22-year Nebraska tree heights, survival, and genetic variation for "Ten-Year Performance of Ponderosa Pine Provenances in the Great Plains of North America"
- Author(s):
- Read, Ralph A.
7. Fraser Experimental Forest East St. Louis Creek and Lower Fool Creek daily streamflow data: 1943-1985
- Author(s):
- Elder, Kelly
8. Fraser Experimental Forest Headquarters station hourly temperature data: 1976-2003
- Author(s):
- Elder, Kelly
9. Glacier Lakes Ecosystem Experiments Site (GLEES) hourly meteorology tower data (2nd Edition)
- Author(s):
- Korfmacher, John L.; Hultstrand, Douglas M.; Doebley, Valerie T.
10. Glacier Lakes Ecosystem Experiments Site (GLEES) hourly meteorology tower data: 1989-2005 (1st Edition)
- Author(s):
- Korfmacher, John L.; Hultstrand, Douglas M.
11. Glacier Lakes Ecosystem Experiments Site NADP (WY00) hourly meteorology tower data: 1991-2005
- Author(s):
- Korfmacher, John L.; Hultstrand, Douglas M.
12. Data product containing 5-year tree heights, survival, and genetic variation for "Genetic Variation in Great Plains Juniperus"
- Author(s):
- Van Haverbeke, David F.; King, Rudy M.
13. Data product containing 16-year tree heights, survival, and genetic variation for "Genetic Variation in Blue Spruce: A Test of Populations in Nebraska"
- Author(s):
- Van Haverbeke, David F.
14. Data product containing 20-year tree heights, diameters, and genetic variation for "Scots pine in eastern Nebraska: A provenance study"
- Author(s):
- Read, Ralph A.
15. Canopy fuel and tree biomass data from the Interior West
- Author(s):
- Reinhardt, Elizabeth; Scott, Joe; Keane, Robert; Gray, Kathy
16. Effects of fuels reduction treatments on the soil temperature, heat-flux, water content, and CO2 at Manitou Experimental Forest
- Author(s):
- Frank, John M.; Massman, William J.
17. Data product containing Fraser Experimental Forest bedload transport, particle size distributions, and discharge data for "Defining phases of bedload transport using piecewise regression"
- Author(s):
- Ryan, Sandra E.
18. Data product containing Little Granite Creek and Hayden Creek bedload transport data and corresponding SAS code for "A tutorial on the piecewise regression approach applied to bedload transport data"
- Author(s):
- Ryan-Burkett, Sandra E.; Porth, Laurie S.
19. Data product containing litterfall, decomposition, and leaf area index data for "Surface Fuel Litterfall and Decomposition in the Northern Rocky Mountains, USA"
- Author(s):
- Keane, Robert; Gray, Kathy
20. Santa Fe Watershed Fuels Reduction Project: Avian Point Counts
- Author(s):
- Bagne, Karen E.; Finch, Deborah M.
21. Lubrecht State Experimental Forest Prescribed Fire Effects Study 1973-2006
- Author(s):
- Reinhardt, Elizabeth
22. Data product for "Role of a native legume in facilitating native vs. invasive species in sagebrush steppe before and after fire"
- Author(s):
- Goergen, Erin
23. Data product for "Influence of a native legume on soil N and plant response following prescribed fire in sagebrush steppe"
- Author(s):
- Goergen, Erin
24. Data product for "Nitrogen level and legume presence affect competitive interactions between a native and invasive grass"
- Author(s):
- Goergen, Erin
25. Data product for "Effects of water and nitrogen availability on nitrogen contribution by the legume, Lupinus argenteus Pursh"
- Author(s):
- Goergen, Erin
26. Fort Valley Experimental Forest 30-minute meteorological data: 2003-present
- Author(s):
- Huebner, Dan P.
27. Tenderfoot Creek Experimental Forest 15 minute streamflow data (2nd Edition)
- Author(s):
- Glasgow, Lance S.; Smith, Helen Y.; Keane, Robert E.; Wright, David K.; Sutherland, Elaine K.
28. Tenderfoot Creek Experimental Forest 15 minute streamflow data: 2000-2009
- Author(s):
- McCaughey, Ward W.; Glasgow, Lance S.; Wright, David K.
29. Tenderfoot Creek Experimental Forest water quality data: 1992-2009
- Author(s):
- McCaughey, Ward W.; Glasgow, Lance S.; Wright, David K.
30. Biomass, fuel load, and litter measurements before prescribed fire in the Shoshone mountains of Nevada
- Author(s):
- Tausch, Robin J.
31. Tenderfoot Creek Experimental Forest stream sediment collection: 1994-2009
- Author(s):
- McCaughey, Ward W.; Glasgow, Lance S.; Wright, David K.
32. Data product containing nest success and factors affecting nest survival for "Nest success of Black-backed Woodpeckers in forests with mountain pine beetle outbreaks in the Black Hills, South Dakota"
- Author(s):
- Bonnot, Thomas W.; Rumble, Mark A.; Millspaugh, Joshua J.
33. Climate Scenarios for the conterminous United States at the county spatial scale using SRES scenarios A1B and A2 and PRISM climatology
- Author(s):
- Coulson, David P.; Joyce, Linda A.; Price, David T.; McKenney, Daniel W.; Siltanen, R. Martin; Papadopol, Pia; Lawrence, Kevin
34. Climate Scenarios for the conterminous United States at the county spatial scale using SRES scenario B2 and PRISM climatology
- Author(s):
- Coulson, David P.; Joyce, Linda A.; Price, David T.; McKenney, Daniel W.
35. Historical Climate data (1940-2006) for the conterminous United States at the county spatial scale based on PRISM climatology
- Author(s):
- Coulson, David P.; Joyce, Linda A.
36. Historical climate data (1940-2006) for the conterminous United States at the 5 arc minute grid spatial scale based on PRISM climatology
- Author(s):
- Coulson, David P.; Joyce, Linda A.
37. Field attributes and satellite indices for "The relationship of multispectral satellite imagery to immediate fire effects"
- Author(s):
- Hudak, Andrew T.
38. Maximum temperatures, needle mat, and vegetation measurements in pinyon-juniper microsites following prescribed burn in the Shoshone mountains of Nevada
- Author(s):
- Chambers, Jeanne C.; Korfmacher, John L.; Tausch, Robin J.
39. Vegetation response to prescribed fire in the Shoshone mountains of Nevada
- Author(s):
- Chambers, Jeanne C.; Board, David; Dhaemers, Jessica; Reiner, Alicia L.
40. Climate Scenarios for the conterminous United States at the 5 arc minute grid spatial scale using SRES scenarios A1B and A2 and PRISM climatology
- Author(s):
- Coulson, David P.; Joyce, Linda A.; Price, David T.; McKenney, Daniel W.; Siltanen, R. Martin; Papadopol, Pia; Lawrence, Kevin
41. Climate Scenarios for the conterminous United States at the 5 arc minute grid spatial scale using SRES scenario B2 and PRISM climatology
- Author(s):
- Coulson, David P.; Joyce, Linda A.; Price, David T.; McKenney, Daniel W.
42. Manitou Experimental Forest hourly meteorology data (2nd Edition)
- Author(s):
- Asherin, Lance A.
43. Manitou Experimental Forest hourly meteorology data (1st Edition)
- Author(s):
- Asherin, Lance A.
44. Detections of breeding birds in the Shoshone, Toiyabe, Toquima, and Monitor ranges, Nevada (2nd Edition)
- Author(s):
- Fleishman, Erica
45. Detections of breeding birds in the Shoshone, Toiyabe, Toquima, and Monitor ranges, Nevada (3rd Edition)
- Author(s):
- Fleishman, Erica
46. Detections of breeding birds in the Shoshone, Toiyabe, Toquima, and Monitor ranges, Nevada (1st Edition)
- Author(s):
- Fleishman, Erica
47. Presence and absence of butterflies in the Shoshone Mountains and Toiyabe and Toquima ranges, Nevada (2nd Edition)
- Author(s):
- Fleishman, Erica
48. Presence and absence of butterflies in the Shoshone Mountains and Toiyabe and Toquima ranges, Nevada (3rd Edition)
- Author(s):
- Fleishman, Erica
49. Presence and absence of butterflies in the Shoshone Mountains and Toiyabe and Toquima ranges, Nevada
- Author(s):
- Fleishman, Erica
50. Data product containing nest site selection and survival data for "Nesting ecology of greater sage-grouse Centrocercus urophasianus at the eastern edge of their historic distribution"
- Author(s):
- Rumble, Mark A.; Herman-Brunson, Katie M.; Jensen, Kent C.; Kaczor, Nicholas W.; Swanson, Christopher C.; Klaver, Robert W.