Forest ownership in the conterminous United States: ForestOwn_v1 geospatial dataset

Research Data Publication File Index

File Folder Description
_metadata_RDS-2010-0002.html   Metadata file in HTML format containing a description of the content, quality, and other characteristics of the data.
_metadata_RDS-2010-0002.xml   Metadata file in Extensible Markup Language (XML) format containing a description of the content, quality, and other characteristics of the data.
forestown_v1 \Data ArcGIS raster geospatial dataset (and associated files) of forest ownership of the conterminous United States.
forestown_v1.aux \Data Auxilary file associated with the raster geospatial dataset forestown_v1. The file contains auxilary information that cannot be stored in the raster file itself.
forestown_v1.clr \Data Custom color map file associated with the raster geospatial dataset forestown_v1. The file contains information about the color scheme of the raster file.