High-resolution land cover of South Dakota (2014)

Research Data Publication File Index

File Folder Description
_metadata_RDS-2022-0068.html   Metadata file in HTML format containing a description of the content, quality, and other characteristics of the data.
_metadata_RDS-2022-0068.xml   Metadata file in Extensible Markup Language (XML) format containing a description of the content, quality, and other characteristics of the data.
COUNTY_Co.tif \Data Georeferenced raster digital TIF files (66) containing 1 meter spatial resolution land cover image for the specified COUNTY (and associated files).
COUNTY_Co.tif.xml \Data Metadata files (66) containing spatial and other information specific to each COUNTY, meant to be viewed in conjunction with the associated *.tif file.
SD_2014_county_accuracy_reports.csv \Supplements Comma-delimited ASCII text file containing a table showing how well the classification model was able to separate the land cover classes for each county.