Penoke Trail: Penoke Trailhead

Area Status: Closed

This trailhead is located on Forest Road 521. There are no facilities at this trailhead.

View/Print Trail Brochure - pdf

At a Glance

Current Conditions: The 2024 ATV Trail Season begins May 24, 2024, at 8:00 a.m. until 11:59 pm on September 29, 2024.
Operational Hours: Open 24 hours when the trails are open.
Fees: Daily Pass: $10.00/vehicle per day or Annual Pass: $35.00/vehicle per calendar year
Permit Info: You must provide proof of registration and insurance to purchase a permit.
Open Season: May - September
Restrictions: As a visitor to the National Forest, you are asked to follow certain rules designed to protect the Forest, natural resources and to provide for public safety of visitors. These rules are available to you on-line or at any office of the Allegheny National Forest. Please take time to read and understand them. General Topic orders apply across the Forest. Applicable Orders for this Site:
  • Off Road Vehicles
Information Center: Marienville Ranger District
Address: 131 Smokey Lane Marienville, PA 16239
Phone: 1-814-927-6628

Recreation Map

Map showing recreational areas. Map Information


OHV Camping

 Camping is allowed along the trail.

OHV Trail Riding