Lion Gulch Trailhead (#949)

The trail at Lion Gulch. Trail is surrounded by aspen and pine trees.

The trail drops abruptly from the trailhead then begins a three mile climb along a stream in Lion Gulch. It provides access to the historic area known as Homestead Meadows where eight homesteads were established between 1889 and 1923. Information boards provide background stories at each location. Hiking to all the homesteads adds another 2.8 miles. See Homestead Meadows Trail. Lion Gulch trailhead accommodates approximately 35 vehicles.

You can find more information at the Poudre Wilderness Volunteers website.

At a Glance

Usage: Heavy
Restrictions: Trail Regulations: No motorized equipment. Leave historic artifacts as you find them. Certified weed-free hay is required for stock. Dogs must be on a hand held leash.
Closest Towns: Estes Park
Water: Water can be filtered and treated from nearby water sources.
Restroom: Practice Leave No Trace principles.

General Information

Directions: Travel on U.S. Highway 36 to the Lion Gulch Trailhead parking lot. It is located 7 miles east of Estes Park and 13 miles west of Lyons on the south side of U.S. Highway 36 at mile marker #8.

Recreation Map

Map showing recreational areas. Map Information


Mountain Biking

Mountain Biking

Day Hiking

The trail descends to a bridge that crosses the North Fork of the Little Thompson River, where there is an informational plaque about Homestead Meadows. At 1/3 mile, you will find a second bridge, the first of nine crossings of a small stream that travels through Lion Gulch. Lion Gulch trailhead accommodates approximately 35 vehicles.

Fire Information Check for any seasonal fire restrictions before your hike. Campfires must be at least 100 feet from water and trails. You may collect dead and down wood; do not break branches from standing trees for firewood. Please attend to campfires at all times. Touch any remaining coals with the bare hand to insure campfire is cold and dead out. Remember, if it is too hot to touch, it is too hot to leave!
Difficulty Level: Moderate


Lion Gulch trailhead accommodates approximately 35 vehicles.
Fire Information Check for any seasonal fire restrictions before your hike. Campfires must be at least 100 feet from water and trails. You may collect dead and down wood; do not break branches from standing trees for firewood. Please attend to campfires at all times. Touch any remaining coals with the bare hand to insure campfire is cold and dead out. Remember, if it is too hot to touch, it is too hot to leave!
Difficulty Level: Moderate

Horse Riding

Lion Gulch trailhead accommodates approximately 35 vehicles.
Size Restrictions no
Corrals no
Loading Ramp no
Hitching Rails no
Difficulty Level: Moderate

Recreation Areas

Recreation Activities


  Area/Length : 
3.4 miles one-way

  Latitude : 

  Longitude : 

  Elevation : 
Beginning Elevation: 7,360' - Peak Elevation: 8,520'