Nez Perce Pass Trailhead

Nez Perce Pass Trailhead has adequate parking for both cars and trailer. It offers access to trail #'16, the Selway Bitterroot Wilderness and the Frank Church Wilderness. Facilities include a vault toilet and hitching rails.

At a Glance

Usage: Light
Closest Towns: Darby
Water: No
Restroom: UNKNOWN Toilet (1)
Operated By: Forest Service

General Information

Directions: From Darby, MT travel south 4.3 miles on Highway 93, turn south on the West Fork Road and procede for approximately 14.3 miles. Turn west (right) on Forest Road 468, Nez Perce Road and travel for approximately 16.1 miles to the trailhead.

Recreation Map

Map showing recreational areas. Map Information


Day Hiking

Horse Riding

Recreation Areas

Recreation Activities


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