Jackson Ranger District

The Jackson Ranger District offers an incredible abundance of recreation areas and activities to choose from for all visitors.  From internationally recognized skiing to world-famous fishing to wildlife watching, the variety is endless.  The District contains the Gros Ventre Wilderness, hundreds of miles of Wild and Scenic Rivers including the famous Snake River, and many more areas that are all amazing.  Because of the large variety and expanse of options, we have tried to make it easier for you to find and choose a place to recreate by breaking the Jackson Ranger District down into ten different areas, each providing more detailed information about specific trailheads, river access, camping and more.  Click on any of these ten general areas listed below and then search through the activities listed on the Area's webpage to learn more.  For a map of these ten recreation areas on the Jackson Ranger District click here.

Maps for the Jackson Ranger District

Campground Map and details for Jackson and Blackrock Ranger Districts

CAMPING MAP - North of Jackson

CAMPING MAP - South of Jackson

Teton Division Over Snow Vehicle Use Map 2016

Gros Ventre Area (area is unavailable)

Gros Ventre Wilderness

Cache Creek and Greater Snow King Area

 Cache and Game Creek Area Map

Fall Creek/Munger Mountain Area

Teton Pass Area

Shadow Mountain/Ditch Creek Area

Hoback River Area (includes Granite Creek)

Snake River Canyon

Snake River Range (includes Palisades Wilderness Study Area)

Willow Creek Area

Please note: The Bridger-Teton National Forest has seen a significant increase in campers during the summer season. Campgrounds and dispersed campsites are often filling by late morning or mid-day. People planning to camp will need to be flexible with their choice of locations. More information can be found on this interactive StoryMap: Successful Camping in Jackson and Blackrock Districts, Bridger-Teton National Forest (hyperlink to http://arcg.is/1LuC95)

Gros Ventre Wilderness Gros Ventre Wilderness, Brewster Lake Elk Summer Range Bistort, Sleeping Indian Bull Fire in the Gros Ventre Wilderness, 2010

At a Glance

Operational Hours: Office hours: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Monday through Friday, excluding all Federal holidays and occasional early release before a holiday. Closed on Saturday and Sunday.   307-739-5500
Reservations: Please note that there are no reservations for campgrounds or dispersed camping. All campgrounds are on a “First Come, First Served” basis. 

General Information

General Notes:

Elk Running in SnowMultiple Use and Recreating on the Jackson Ranger District

Due to the outdoor nature of Jackson Hole and the proximity to Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks, the Jackson Ranger District hosts a large number of visitors year-round who each recreate in many different ways, from dog walking to snowmobiling to mountain biking.  With these large numbers of visitors and many various recreation uses, conflicts are bound to arise.  Please take the time to browse the fliers listed below which offer ways you can help prevent and reduce conflict while recreating on the Jackson Ranger District.  Public lands are an incredible treasure and the privilege of use carries much responsibility to ensure that these great recreation areas and opportunities are available for everyone far into the future.

Winter Forest Recreation Map

Practice Respect and Responsibility

Attention Dog Owners - Summer!

Attention Dog Owners - Winter!

General Summer Recreation Information

General Winter Recreation Information

Keep the Peace

Winter Wildlife Encounters

Recreation Map

Map showing recreational areas. Map Information


Day Hiking

Areas for Day Hiking at Jackson Ranger District


Areas for Backpacking at Jackson Ranger District

Horse Camping

Areas for Horse Camping at Jackson Ranger District

Horse Riding

Areas for Horse Riding at Jackson Ranger District

OHV Road Riding

All OHV riding must occur only on Forest Service designated routes where the class of vehicle and the season of use are permitted. This requirement protects forest resources and prevents the development of non-system illegal routes. An annual Wyoming ORV decal/permit is required to be visible on all Off-Road Vehicles (display the permit on the right front fender). Only riders possessing a valid state driver license are permitted on Forest Service roads. Underage riders without a state driver license are permitted to ride on the motorized trail system only if their vehicle has an annual state ORV decal/permit that is visible on the vehicle.

Areas for OHV Road Riding at Jackson Ranger District

OHV Trail Riding

Areas for OHV Trail Riding at Jackson Ranger District

Scenic Driving

Areas for Scenic Driving at Jackson Ranger District


There are two popular resorts in the Town of Jackson that are operated on Forest Land  through a special use permit (SUP). Snow King Mountain Resort is  the oldest skiing resort and it's a local favorite located in the Town of Jackson. Jackson Hole Mountain Resort is a world class skiing resort located in Teton Village, about 10 minutes west of town.

Please Note: The opening and closing of the resorts is strictly on their discretion, the Forest does not determined those dates. 

Areas for Skiing/Snowboarding at Jackson Ranger District


Areas for Snowmobiling at Jackson Ranger District