Horsetail Creek Single-Track Motorcycle Area

 This area offers a 10 mile loop of advanced single-track motorcycle trail. This trail offers challenging opportunities characterized by steep and narrow trail through timber, meadows, narrow canyons, and high scenic ridgelines between the Horsetail and Ditch Creek drainages. Trail area is accessed only by the Horsetail Creek Trailhead located on the north side of the Gros Ventre Road—Rd #30400. This trailhead is located about 12 miles from the town of Jackson. The Horsetail Creek Trail is open to single-track motorcycle recreation July 1 through September 9. Other forms of non-motorized recreation allowed are, hiking, mountain biking, horseback riding, and hunting (seasonally). [Caution: The Horsetail Creek area is located in Grizzly Bear country]

At a Glance

Open Season: July 1

Recreation Map

Map showing recreational areas. Map Information


OHV Trail Riding

Recreation Areas

Recreation Activities


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