Columbine - Twining N.R.T. Trail 64, 69

Area Status: Open

Access:  Begin either from Columbine Campground on Trail #71 or from Twining Campground on Trail #90.  Arrange for pickup at the other end. 

Attractions and Considerations:  Designated as a National Recreation Trail in 1978.  The trail follows the Columbine Canyon Trail #71 for the first 1.4 miles.  Just past the Deer Creek crossing turn left up the Deer Creek Trail #69.  Follow the trail switchbacks through aspen stands to the ridge above tree line with views to the west of Lobo Peak and Flag Mountain.  Trail #69 turns north, reentering bristlecone pine forest.  Here you will join the Gold Hill Trail #64 which follows the open ridge above tree line over the summit of Gold Hill (12,711 ft) and above Goose Lake.  The trail follows the ridge down to Bull of the Woods Pasture where it meets Trail #90 which ends at the Twining Campground in Taos Ski Valley.


Please do not cut the switchbacks.

Map of Columbine - Twining Trail (pdf file)

At a Glance

Information Center: For more information contact: Questa Ranger District.


Day Hiking

Difficulty Level: Difficult


Horse Riding

Difficulty Level: Difficult

Recreation Areas

Recreation Activities

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  Area/Length : 
14.2 miles

  Elevation : 
7,900 feet - 9,400 feet