Kendrick Park Watchable Wildlife Trail
This trail bridges the habitats of forest and grassland making it an ideal location to encounter residents of both places.
Wildlife live here. You may experience the presence of a wide variety of bird, insect and animal life on this unique trail.
Some of the wildlife you may see are Steller's jay, northern flicker, pygmy nuthatch, hairy woodpecker, red-tailed hawk, mule deer, porcupine, pronghorn antelope, elk, Abert's squirrel, badger and coyote.
Watch for animal tracks, scat, burrows and nests, traces of fur or feathers, and other signs that wildlife use this area. You will also see evidence of human impact on the environment.
The local animal life, forest and grassland vegetation, wildfire occurrences, historic presence of man and many other stories are interpreted for you along the way. There are tremendous views of the San Francisco Peaks, Kendrick Mountain, and Kendrick Park.
The Trails: There are two trails located at this site. A short loop is paved to allow wheelchair access. A longer loop is 4 feet wide with native surface and is located on flat terrain-- it is an easy hike. Both trails provide an educational interpretive experience.
Length: Short Loop 1/4 mile -- paved for wheelchair access. Longer Loop one and one-half miles.
Difficulty: Easy
Hiking Time: Short Loop: 20 min., Longer loop: 1 hour
At a Glance
Usage: | Medium |
Best Season: | May through November |
Closest Towns: | Flagstaff, AZ |
Restroom: | Vault toilet |
Operated By: | Flagstaff Ranger District 928-526-0866 |
General Information
General Notes:Wildlife Viewing Tips:
If you enjoy watching wildlife in their natural setting, follow these tips from experience wildlife watchers:
Fade into the woodwork...
Wear natural colors and unscented lotions. Walk and talk softly. Crouch quietly behind a boulder or a tree. Try not to cast a shadow.
Let animals be themselves...
Resist the temptation to "save" baby animals and birds, Mom is usually close by. Don't share your food with wildlife! They may get hooked on handouts. Let patience reward you.
Stick to the sidelines..
Use binoculars or a zoom lens for viewing and photography. Give nests a wide berth. Your presence may draw a predator or frighten the parents into abandoning their young.
Think like an animal...
Imagine how the animal you are seeking spends its days. Check field guides for information. Take note of the season. Guess whether the animal will be looking for a mate, feathering its nest, fattening for winter, or preparing to migrate. When is the best time of the day for viewing? Imagine an animal's daily schedule. When does it feed, sleep, or drink? Dusk and dawn are usually good bets for viewing. Factor in the weather. Many animals emerge after a rain to feed on displaced insects and rodents.
Camera tips...
Use a long telephoto lens. Have the sun at your back. Morning or afternoon light is best. Aim for featuring wildlife within its natural surroundings, not a full-frame profile.
Using binoculars...
Find the subject with your unaided eye. Bring the eyepieces just under your eyes. Sight the subject over the tops of the eyepieces. Slowly bring the binoculars to your eyes.
Related Information
Arizona Watchable Wildlife Experience - Northern Arizona Location Map and information for the best areas around northern Arizona for watching wildlife.
Our Partners
The USDA Forest Service thanks the following groups for their financial and volunteer support in building this trail, parking lot, and restroom: Northern Arizona Audubon Society, Coconino Sportsmen, The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, local Boy Scouts, Arizona Game and Fish Heritage Fund, Arizona Department of Transportation, and the Federal Highway Administration.
This is a non-motorized trail, intended for hiking and wheelchair access only. Please, no mountain bikes or horses. Walker Lake, just south of this trail (also know as the Kendrick Park Watchable Wildlife Area) is suitable for snowmobiling and other winter activities. Please see (area is unavailable) and Winter Recreation Information and Map for more information about winter recreation in this area.
Location: Adjacent to Highway 180, approximately 20 miles north of Flagstaff on the southern end of Kendrick Park. It is on the west side of Hwy 180 at mile-marker 235.5 and at an elevation of 7,900 feet.
GPS (Map): 35°24'07.3"N 111°45'20.9"W